A collection of Jupyter notebooks illustrating PyXspec analysis
The PyXspecWalkthroughN notebooks are for the examples in the Walks through XSPEC section of the manual. Those whose names include Matplotlib use matplotlib to do the plotting while the others use the native XSPEC plotting using the pgplot svg driver.
A brief summary for each N in PyXspecWalkthroughN is:
1 - Fitting Models to Data: An Old Example from EXOSAT
2 - Simultaneous Fitting
3 - Multiple Models: a Background Modeling Example
4 - Using XSPEC to Simulate Data: an Example for Chandra
5 - Producing Plots: Modifying the Defaults
PyXspecIXPEPolarPlot is an example using IXPE data which makes a contour plot in polar coordinates.
These notebooks assume XSPEC v12.12 or later.