Meliora is a code analysis infrastructure for machine learning-based performance model generation of arbitrary codes based on static analysis of intermediate language representations.
LLVM9, CMake3.1+, networkx>=2, pynauty
The framework is majorly composed of metric extraction and graph learning components (based on PSCN).
$ cd datagen
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
No additional step required. Users can choose to use the pynauty provided with the PSCN implementation.
$ cd modelgen/pynauty-0.6.0
$ make pynauty
$ make user-ins pynauty
$ pip install
To train the model with provided data:
python3 modelgen/ -l data/data1/labels_train.txt data/data1/train_input2/ -o [specify the path for saving the model, optional. default will be current location]
python3 modelgen/ -l data/data1/labels_train.txt -v data/data1/labels_train.txt -m data/data1/static4_2_cfg_model.h5 data/data1/validate_input2
It will generate pred_results.csv. To generate the matching summary, run:
python3 datagen/script/predAnalyzer data/data1/pred_results.csv