Deep Lidar Inertial Odometry
- Intorduction
DeepLIO is an deep learning based odometry estimation using lidar and IMU.
Cloning deeplio
git clone
1.1 Dependencies
Following packages should be already installed, before you can start using deeplio.
- pytorch
- tqdm (optional)
- open3d (optinal)
1.2 Preparing the KITTI Dataset
Downloading KITTI
In this project the KITTI Raw dataset is used, since we also need IMU measurments. Please run the script to download the KITTI raw sequences.
Note: You will need at least 150 GB free sapce on your hard drive.
$ mkdir KITTI
Now wait till download is completed. Well it will take a long long time so go get some coffee :)
At the end you will find all sequences extracted under KITTI folder
|-> 2011_09_30
|-> 2011_09_30_drive_0016_extract
|-> image0 .. imahe3
|-> 2011_10_03
|-> 2011_09_03_drive_0027_extract
Converting Frames (optional)
In the KITTI raw unsynced sequences the velodyne frames are saved as plain text files, consisting of x,y,z and remission of each measured point. Each frame's text file consists of several thousand points, which makes these file huge and also reading these files takes a long time. For that reason it is better to convert them into a binary format first.
Please run following script to convert the raw text files to numpy binary.
cd scripts
python ./ -p KITTI/2011_09_30/2011_09_30_drive_0016_extract/velodyne_points/data/ \
KITTI/2011_09_30/2011_09_30_drive_0018_extract/velodyne_points/data/ [more velodyne data paths]
You can pass only one path or multiple at once. To accelerate conversion and save time the conversion script above starts multiple processes, so do not be afraid if your CPU is running under 100% load.
After the converting is done, you can start with training or evaluating.