Code for our IJCAI 2019 paper "A Novel Distribution-Embedded Neural Network for Sensor-Based Activity Recognition". If you find the codes helpful, kindly cite our paper.
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ijcai/QianPDM19, author = {Hangwei Qian and Sinno Jialin Pan and Bingshui Da and Chunyan Miao}, title = {A Novel Distribution-Embedded Neural Network for Sensor-Based Activity Recognition}, booktitle = {{IJCAI}}, pages = {5614--5620}, publisher = {}, year = {2019} }
The codes are tested with pytorch=1.3, python>3.5. Codes for data preprocessing on 4 datasets (Opportunity, UCIHAR, DG and PAMAP2) are in files data_preprocess_[dataset_name].py
. To run the code, please run the following script:
python main_[dataset_name].py