A C#-implementation of https://github.com/tjesi/anonymous-tokens.
A typical scenario consists of a client and a server. A complete sample of this scenario is available in the samples\ClientServer
folder, where the client is a console application and the server is an ASP.NET MVC API.
- Create a cryptographic key pair.
Example using the elliptic curve prime256v1
# generate a private key for a curve
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
# generate corresponding public key
openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
- The server instantiates
so that they are available to the client.
If your TokenGenerator
and TokenVerifier
are hosted in a REST API you will need to create API-endpoints for token generation and verification. See the sample Server.Token.Api
project for examples on request/response models, API-endpoint contract etc.
- Create an implementation for
We provide an InMemoryPrivateKeyStore
which loads a dummy-key to use for demo purposes and quickstarts. Your Private key should be loaded from a database, embedded resource, from device storage etc.
- Create an implementation for
We provide an InMemorySeedStore
which contains an in-memory list to use for demo purposes and quickstarts. Your seed store should be a database or some persistent storage.
- Create an implementation for
We provide an InMemoryPublicKeyStore
which loads a dummy-key to use for demo purposes and quickstarts. Your Public key should be loaded from a database, embedded resource, from device storage, loaded from an API etc.
- Instantiate the
class and perform token generation and token verification.
Here's an example from the sample Console.Client
project on how this might look:
// Import parameters for the elliptic curve prime256v1
var ecParameters = CustomNamedCurves.GetByOid(X9ObjectIdentifiers.Prime256v1);
var publicKeyStore = new InMemoryPublicKeyStore();
var publicKey = await publicKeyStore.GetAsync();
_initiator = new Initiator();
// 1. Initiate communication with a masked point P = r*T = r*Hash(t)
var init = _initiator.Initiate(ecParameters.Curve);
var t = init.t;
var r = init.r;
var P = init.P;
// 2. Generate token Q = k*P and proof (c,z) of correctness
var (Q, proofC, proofZ) = await _tokenApiClient.GenerateTokenAsync(ecParameters.Curve, P);
// 3. Randomise the token Q, by removing the mask r: W = (1/r)*Q = k*T. Also checks that proof (c,z) is correct.
var W = _initiator.RandomiseToken(ecParameters, publicKey, P, Q, proofC, proofZ, r);
// 4. Verify that the token (t,W) is correct.
var isVerified = await _tokenApiClient.VerifyTokenAsync(t, W);
if (isVerified)
Console.WriteLine("Token is valid.");
Console.WriteLine("Token is invalid.");
Your client should now be able to perform the protocol flow.
- Install the latest .NET Core 3.1 SDK
- Install Git
- Clone this repo
- Open
in Visual Studio - In Visual Studio right-click on the solution AnonymousTokens in the Solution Explorer window and choose Set startup projects...
- Select Multiple startup projects and set Action to Start on projects:
- Client.Console
- Server.TokenGeneration.Api
- Server.TokenVerification.Api
- Build & run using F5 in Visual Studio
- In the root of the cloned repo open 3 terminal windows.
- Run each in a separate terminal:
dotnet run --project .\samples\ClientServer\Client.Console\Client.Console.csproj
dotnet run --project .\samples\ClientServer\Server.Token.Api\Server.Token.Api.csproj
After running build.ps1
navigate to the benchmark project:
cd test\AnonymousTokens.Benchmarks
Run all benchmarks:
dotnet run -c Release --filter *
When complete you will see the output generated in a new BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\results
This code is naming variables according to the mathematics in the original crypographic work. The list below provides some programmer-friendly suggestions to what you could call these variables in your own code.
k privateKey
K publicKey
t tokenSeed
r tokenMask
P maskedPoint
Q signedPoint
c proofChallenge
z proofResponse
W tokenPoint