The initiative is to save money and time. I only want a VPN when I am at home. This means that I need to find a way to easily start and stop EC2 instances on my own computer. If you do not care the money or use the VPN all day, you do not need this tool.
- Shadowsocks client
- Create a AWS EC2 instance to run shadowsocks server
Please refer to the official site.
Run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install shadowsocks
Please refer to official site on creation of EC2 instance. I created a t2.nano
instance with Ubuntu 14.04 installed. Then I installed the shadowsocks on EC2
instance(same procedures as Pre-requisites section). Next I appended command
sudo ssserver -k "password" -d start
to /ect/init.d/rc.local. This line of
code configures the shadowsocks server running when EC2 instance is started.
Open main.go with any editor you like. There are 3 variables instance_id
and local_port
.Change the values of these 3 variables according to
your own configuration. Then build the project as specified at Build the project
Go to the root folder of your codes and run the following commands to build the executable.
export GOPATH=$PWD
go install auto-vpn
a bin folder will be generated under your $GOPATH. The following commands are provided:
- auto-vpn start
- auto-vpn stop
- auto-vpn status
start AWS instance and sslocal
stop AWS instance and sslocal
print the current AWS status and its publie DNS name if it exists.