IBM Cloud Provider v0.7.0
Added support for the following new resources/data sources:
- Package (ibm_function_package)
- Action (ibm_function_action)
- Trigger (ibm_function_trigger)
- Rule (ibm_function_rule)
Infrastructure resources
- Gateway appliance (ibm_network_gateway)
- Gateway VLAN association (ibm_network_gateway_vlan_association)
Enhancement to order the following on exising resources:
- GPUs for bare metal
- Unbonded/redundant port-speed for hourly bare metal
- Secondary IP , ipv6 for bare metal
- Restricted network speed for monthly bare metal
- IPV6 primary and public static on bare metal and VM
Provider level enhancement
- Retry for network related errors like timeout or when API rate limit exceeds a particular value for infrastructure related resources. The number of retries being configurable at provider level.