Kotlin (optimized for the JVM) library to consume Flutterwave's Rave API The easy way to collect payments from customers anywhere in the world
It currently supports the following features:
Account charge (NG Banks)
Account charge (International for US and ZAR).
Card Charge (Baked in support for 3DSecure/PIN).
Transaction status check (Normal requery flow and xrequery).
Retry transaction status check flow.
Preauth -> Capture -> Refund/void flow.
Support for USSD and Mcash (Alternative payment methods).
List of banks for NG Account charge. (Get banks list).
Get fees endpoint.
Integrity Checksum (https://flutterwavedevelopers.readme.io/docs/checksum).
Go to rave and sign up. This would provide you with a public and private authorization key which would be used throughout the library.
All calls happen asynchronously.
See https://bintray.com/ienoobong/Rave/rave-flutterwave-kotlin for detailed setup info
implementation "co.enoobong:rave-flutterwave-kotlin:$rave_version"
// Create a RavePay instance
val ravePay = RavePay.Builder()
.setEnvironment(Environment.STAGING) //Defaults to STAGING
.setSecretKey("FLWSECK-bb971402072265fb156e90a3578fe5e6-X") //Secret Key gotten from dashboard in signup above
.setPublicKey("FLWPUBK-e634d14d9ded04eaf05d5b63a0a06d2f-X") //Public Key gotten from dashboard in signup above
// RavePay gives you access to the API's
val cardPayload = CardPayload(
"5438898014560229", "812", "08", "20", "NGN", "NG", 1000.0,
"[email protected]",
"07061234567", "Eno Wa", "Eno", "", "TEST " + Date(),
cardPayload.suggestedAuth = "PIN"
cardPayload.pin = "3310"
ravePay.chargeCard(cardPayload, object : RaveCallback<ApiResponse<ChargeResponseData>>{
override fun onSuccess(
response: ApiResponse<ChargeResponseData>,
responseAsJsonString: String
) {
//Captures a successful request i.e 200...300 HTTP Codes
override fun onError(message: String?, responseAsJsonString: String?) {
//Captures an unsuccessful request
final RavePay ravePay = new RavePay.Builder()
.setEnvironment(Environment.STAGING) //Defaults to STAGING
.setSecretKey("FLWSECK-bb971402072265fb156e90a3578fe5e6-X") //Secret Key gotten from dashboard in signup above
.setPublicKey("FLWPUBK-e634d14d9ded04eaf05d5b63a0a06d2f-X") //Public Key gotten from dashboard in signup above
final CardPayload cardPayload = new CardPayload(
"5840406187553286", "116", "09", "18", "NGN", "NG", 1000,
"[email protected]",
"07061234567", "Eno Wa", "Eno", "", "TEST " + new Date(),
build.preauthorizeCard(cardPayload, new RaveCallback<ApiResponse<PreauthorizeCardData>>() {
public void onSuccess(ApiResponse<PreauthorizeCardData> preauthorizeCardDataApiResponse, String s) {
//Captures a successful request i.e 200...300 HTTP Codes
// Do something with Response
public void onError(String message, String response) {
//Captures an unsuccessful request // Act accordingly
I'm more than welcome to contributions that improve the library and make it easier to use. If you are willing to contribute to the project feel free to make a fork and submit a pull request. You can hit me up on @IEnoobong on Twitter
Want to buy me Jollof-Rice? Send here's my link https://payme.ng/ienoobong Thanks