Welcome to the pix! We develop various utilities for Roblox, security systems, protection and scripts for specific games, general scenarios. You can find more of our projects on our Discord Server.
Open Aimbot is a universal open source framework. It offers a wide selection of extensive functionality, including:
- Over 55 Features
- Detection Bypasses
- Team, Friend, Wall, Water, FoV, Magnitude, Transparency, Group, Player Checks
- Ability to set Sensitivity, Camera Shaking, Mouse & Camera Methods, Move Direction Prediction, Static, Dynamic & Auto Offset, Activation Keys, One-Press Mode, Target Objects, Ignored & Target Players, Display Notification Log, TriggerBot, ESP, FoV, Tracers and other more subtle options
- Availability of Silent Aim, Security Warnings, Maximum User-Friendliness and Configuration Manager
- A Beautiful and Unique Interface that supports Minimization, Maximization and even Resizing
- Support For Absolutely All Exploits
- Clean and Understandable Source Code, providing the simple possibility of Modification for your own purposes and Contribution
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ttwizz/Open-Aimbot/master/source.lua", true))()