The Toolkit is a Shiny application designed to facilitate data quality checking, report generation, and file sharing within the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA). IeDEA is an international consortium established in 2006 by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to provide a rich resource for globally diverse HIV/AIDS data.
The IeDEA Cohort Consortium collaborates to collect and define key variables, harmonize data, and implement methodology to effectively pool data as a cost-effective means of generating large data sets to address the high priority research questions and streamline HIV/AIDS research. IeDEA collects HIV/AIDS data from seven international regional data centers, including four in Africa, and one each in the Asia-Pacific region, the Central/South America/Caribbean region, and North America. These regional data centers consolidate, curate and analyze data on care and treatment of HIV to evaluate the outcomes of people living with HIV/AIDS.
The Toolkit is part of a suite of tools developed by the Harmonist Team with funding from the NIH (US NIAID grant R24 AI124872) with the goal of harmonizing observational HIV/AIDS data. Other components of the IeDEA suite of tools include a browsable data model and a secure data hub for authenticated users.
The lead developer for the IeDEA Harmonist Data Toolkit is Judy Lewis, PhD (Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research) with assistance from Jeremy Stephens (Vanderbilt University Department of Biostatistics).
The Harmonist Data Toolkit has been generalized to allow adaptation to any data model that is described in a series of REDCap templates. Please review adaptation steps and guidance for adding custom data quality checks, and contact Judy Lewis, PhD for more information and guidance.