Code of paper:
SeNsER: Learning Cross-Building Sensor Metadata Tagger.
Yang Jiao*, Jiacheng Li*, Jiaman Wu, Dezhi Hong, Rajesh Gupta and Jingbo Shang. EMNLP (Findings) 2020.
Please cite above paper if you think the code or data is helpful.
SeNsER learns a sensor metadata tagger for a new building based on its raw metadata and some existing fully annotated building. It leverages the commonality between different buildings: At the character level, it employs bidirectional neural language models to capture the shared underlying patterns between two buildings and thus regularizes the feature learning process; At the word level, it leverages as features the k-mers existing in the fully annotated building. During inference, we further incorporate the information obtained from sources such as Wikipedia as prior knowledge.
The code is written in Python 3.6.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd Model/PythonUtils/StringMatch & python install
We mainly focus on data from building apm and ebu3b.
"Data/apm-ebu3b-chunk": train and dev on apm ,test on ebu3b
"Data/ebu3b-apm-chunk": train and dev on ebu3b, test on apm
"Data/apm-ebu3b-tag": train and dev on apm ,test on ebu3b
"Data/ebu3b-apm-tag": train and dev on ebu3b, test on apm
Character Label
Empty lines are used as separators between sequences.
a B-
p I-
& I-
m I-
. O-
r B-
m I-
- I-
4 I-
7 I-
3 I-
1 I-
. O-
d B-
m I-
p I-
r I-
- O-
p B-
o I-
s I-
Words in building domain are special. We must train the specific embedding with raw data before we do the following NER model training. Raw data of two buildings is in "Embedding/sentences". You can use "Embedding/" for embedding training.
SeNsER (train on ebu3b, test on apm)
SeNsER-Kmer (train on ebu3b, test on apm)
python --no_dict
SeNsER-Dict (train on ebu3b, test on apm)
python --word_emb_weight 0
Evaluation will generate the output of model to 'Model/model_output.txt'.
If you have any questions, please contact Jiacheng Li ([email protected])