PICNIC is a Particle-In-Cell code with Nicely Incorporated Collisions.
The code is written in c++/FORTRAN and uses the Chombo framework.
PICNIC uses the Chombo library for data containers and efficient MPI-handling. Chombo is developed and maintained by LBL-ANAG. Information about Chombo and instructions for dowloading can be found at https://commons.lbl.gov/display/chombo/Chombo+-+Software+for+Adaptive+Solutions+of+Partial+Differential+Equations
See PETSc (https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc) documentation and repo for instructions on how to download and compile it. A quick set of instructions is available here: https://debog.github.io/codes/petsc.html
PETSc's compilation requires setting the environment variables PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH. Make sure they are set to meaningful values.
Compile PICNIC as usual - it will use the PETSC_DIR variable to find PETSc and compile with the PETSc interface.
Note: You can compile and run without PETSc. Just do not define the PETSC_DIR environment variable.
See picnic/docs/picnic_user_manual_gitRepo.pptx