- Install NVM (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm)
nvm use v12.22.1
// Use Node.js version 12.22.1- (optional)
nvm alias default 12.22.1
// Set nvm to always use Node.js v12.22.1 npm i
// install required dependencies- Ensure you've setup heavans docker correctly (https://github.com/KPMP/heavens-docker)
cd ~/{your-path}/heavans-docker/atlas && sh repository-explorer-dev.sh up -d
Starts docker services
npm run build
// optimizes files for production and sends to docker instance
There are some potential issue with closing docker that are eliminated with the following command
cd ~/{your-path}/heavans-docker/atlas && sh repository-explorer-dev.sh down
- Ensure you either: a) have the latest data loaded on your local machine b) have pointed your local instance to qa KE with the latest data
- Change initialState.json 'recreateUmaps' to true
npm run build
- Start up your local Atlas docker environment (see steps in initial setup)
- Point your browser at localhost
- Go to Explorer home page
- Do a gene search
- Pick the dataset type you want to recreate
- Wait until it has loaded the expression plot
- Change your url to
- The updated UMAP will load
- Download the image
- Provide the image to Michael to update as needed
- Make sure to put initialState.json back so recreateUmaps is false