Repository for the exam in Data Science, Prediction, and Forecasting:
- Does Culture Loop? An Exploratory Investigation of Spotify Audio Features in Hit Songs Over Time.
The organization of the project is as follows:
├── <- The top-level README for this project
├── data <- Folder containing audio features -- scraped for top songs between 1960-2022
| ├── top_songs_by_month.csv <- Dataset used for the exam
| └── top_songs_by_year.csv <- Yearly dataset not used for the exam
├── scraping <- Folder containing scraping scripts (client id and secret required for running)
| ├── scrape_spotify_per_month.ipynb <- Notebook for monthly scraping
| └── scrape_spotify_per_year.ipynb <- Notebook for yearly scraping
├── src <- The main folder for analysis
| └── analysis.Rmd <- R markdown file containing the full analysis
└── datasci_exam.pdf <- Corresponding data science paper