This repository contains the official, full list of registered domains from the .gov top-level domain. This includes .gov domains from the US Government's executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as states, territories, tribes, cities, and counties. Domain information is updated regularly.
These files list the domains that have been registered in the .gov registrar. Presence here doesn't necessarily mean there's an internet-accessible website, email server, or other online service operated publicly on the domain.
This list doesn't accept pull requests from government organizations or the public. If you manage one of these domains and
- metadata about it is incorrect, log in to the .gov registrar to correct it.
- you want to transfer it to a different agency, step through the domain ownership transfer process.
If you use any of this data or notice anything that seems off, let us know by opening an issue and telling us about it. You may also be interested in the repo for .gov's home page.
- Accept the Risk and Continue: Measuring the Long Tail of Government https Adoption. Sudheesh Singanamalla, Esther Han Beol Jang, Richard Anderson, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Kurtis Heimerl. 2020. In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 577–597. DOI:
- Lauren Ancona made a geocoded map of .gov domains: