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In this project, I tested the openAI gym environments for reinforcement learning. Therefore, I implemented an abstract agent class which can act and learn (update Q-table, NN, ...) depending on an observation (state of the environment) from the environment. For a great introduction into reinforcement learning, see the Tutorials by Arthur Juliani.


Using this abstract definition of an agent, I implemented the four most common (and simple) agents:

  1. A random acting agent: The simplest agent. Independent on the observation it performs a random action and does not learn.

  2. An agent exploiting a Q-Tabular:

    • Q-table is a list of values for every state (row) and action (column) possible in the environment. Its values answer the question how good it is to take a given action within a given state. Hence, observing state s the action one should take is given by a = argmax(Q(s,:)). Usually, one adds some randomness to this predicted action in the learning process to greedily pic an action.
    • Learning is done using the Bellman equation, Q(s,a) = r + gamma*max(Q(s',:)) where r is the reward for the action taken and s' is the state which follows the action a starting from observation s. Here gamma is the so-called discount factor which is used to take care of the future possible reward.
    • In order to allow for continuous observation space models, a version of the agent where binning is used is implemented, too.
  3. An agent with a neural network: Here a neural network is used to learn an approximation to a function which takes an observation (state) and predicts the q-value for all possible actions. Note that in contrast to the q-table approach, one can here also learn to act in a continuous state space.

    • Update and learning strategy are the same as for the q-table approach.
    • The loss which is minimized during training is defined as L = sum((Q_t - Q)^2) where the target Q-value Q_t is computed as given above by the Bellman equation and Q is the output of the network for the state s.
  4. A DQN (deep q-network) approach to the reinforcement learning (be aware that for simplicity only a single layer is used). Extending on the above idea to use a neural network to learn a q-value function, here two further ideas are added:

    • Experiences Buffer: Storing the past experiences in the form of (observation,action,reward,newObservation,done) in a buffer allows to train the neural network not only on the immediate state and action but also to take the past into account. Drawing a random sample from the buffer further prevents from learning only from the immediate past but from a large set of experiences. In this way, one usually does not train every step taken in the environment but when training is executed one trains on a batch of experiences.
    • Separate (2nd) target network: In order to stabilize the training process, one uses a second neural network which represents the target q-values used to compute the loss during the training process. This migrates the risk of using constantly changing target values to adjust the network by updating the target q-network only on a much slower time scale.

Testing the Agents

In order to test the implemented agents, the openAI gym environments are used. In particular, a discreet environment, the FrozenLake, and a continuous environment, the cart-pole, are used.

  1. FrozenLake environment

    1. using the Q-tabular agent. Average Reward after 100 Episodes: 0.655 Learning Curves
    2. using neural network. Average Reward after 100 Episodes: 0.484 Learning Curves
  2. Cart-pole environment

    1. using a simple neural network agent. Average Reward after 100 Episodes: 175.3 Learning Curves
    2. using a double DQN with experience buffer. Average Reward after 100 Episodes: 199.348
      • Note that it is useful to keep a certain percentage of bad endings in the experience buffer (good hint by Ironhead). Otherwise, the network would be over-trained on intermediate steps of the cart-pole game forgetting to stay away from the ending.
      • Moreover, it seems important to punish the observation that the pole has fallen with high negative reward. Learning Curves


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