This is a PowerShell module for working with the McAfee ePo server API.
# One time setup
# Download the repository
# Unblock the zip
# Extract the POSH-ePoAPI folder to a module path (e.g. $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)
#Simple alternative, if you have PowerShell 5, or the PowerShellGet module:
Install-Module POSH-ePoAPI
# Import the module.
Import-Module POSH-ePoAPI #Alternatively, Import-Module \\Path\To\POSH-ePoAPI
# Get commands in the module
Get-Command -Module POSH-ePoAPI
# Get help
Get-Help Connect-ePoServer -Full
###Connect to McAfee ePo server
# Connects to ePo server in your environment (will prompt for credentials)
Connect-ePoServer -ePOServer "https://yourserver:8443"
###List all computers
#Gets all of the computers available from the McAfee ePo server
#Gets computer that matches filter
Get-ePoSystem -Filter "Pre-"
Returns all McAfee ePo computers that have a computername beginning with Pre-
- Created module and functions for various McAfee ePo API commands.
- Added support for -WhatIf to all functions, except Connect-ePoServer.
- Added a check for good connection to Connect-ePoServer.
- Added Get-ePoServerRunningTask which gets task information for running tasks.
- Added Start-ePoServerTask which runs a server task.
- Version 1.4.1
- Changed reliance on System.Net.WebClient to using Invoke-RestMethod as previously the password entered used for Credentials would have been in clear text in memory.
- Tested functions after change and they appear to be working.
- Fixed issue with parameters on Connect-ePoServer by not setting the parameters to script scope and instead re creating those as script scope variables within the function.
- Corrected minor spelling errors
- Add function for adding a user using core.addUser command.
- Add function for removing a user using core.removeUser command.
- Add function to synchorinze Domains and AD with the system tree using epo.syncDirectory command.
- Look into policy commands and determine what functions to create.
- Look into repository commands and determine what functions to create.
- Look into scheduler commands and determine what functions to create.
- Add function to tag computers using the system.applyTag command.
- Add function to remove tags from compuers using the system.clearTag command.
- Look into system commands and determine what functions to create.
- Look into custom queries using SQUID tables. These tables are returned from the Get-ePoTable function.