An IDE build on Tauri with Rust and Vue. Powered by Ace Editor.
- Node version >=14 installed
Download latest release avaliable for:
- MacOS
- Windows
Iliad comes with a basic CLI for easy navigation. To use it add alias to your command line for executable.
echo "alias ill=\"[path to Iliad program]\"" >> [path to terminal config file]
- Create a
@echo off
DOSKEY ill="[Path to Iliad executable]"
- Run regedit and go to (Win 10/11)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
- Add String Value entry with the name AutoRun and the full path of your .bat/.cmd file.
- Syntax highlighting for 164 languages
- Search file
- Drag And Drop folders and files
- Rearrange tabs
- Resizable customizable windows system
- Files synchronization
- Persistent state
- File system manipulation (rename, delete files and folders)
- LSP for TypeScript