Pixiv API for Python (with Auth supported) Now async!
- [2019/10/29] Merge upstream changes by Kyle2142
- [2019/09/23] 增加大陆地区AppAPI的免翻墙访问支持, release v3.5 (See example_bypass_sni.py, thanks @Notsfsssf)
- [2019/09/03] Merge upstream changes by Kyle2142
- [2019/09/03] Support new auth() check
(thanks DaRealFreak, #83) - [2019/04/27] Support hosts proxy for AppAPI, which can use behind the Great Wall (See example_api_proxy.py)
- [2018/01/23] Port from
by Kyle2142 - [2017/04/18] Fix encoder BUG for
params (thanks naplings) - [2017/01/05] Add
liked APIillust_detail()
for App-API (thanks Mapaler), release v3.3 - [2016/12/17] Fixed encoding BUG for Public-API, see #26 (thanks Xdynix)
- [2016/07/27] Now
can call without auth (thanks zzycami), check demo.py - [2016/07/20] New App-API (Experimental) for
- [2016/07/11] Add new iOS 6.x API reference to Wiki
- [2015/12/02] Add write API for favorite an user / illust, release v3.1
- [2015/08/11] Remove SPAI and release v3.0 (pixivpy3) (Public-API with Search API)
- [2015/05/16] As Pixiv deprecated SAPI in recent days, push new Public-API ranking_all
- [2014/10/07] New framework, SAPI / Public-API supported (requests needed)
Use pip for installing:
pip3 install git+git://github.com/Kyle2142/pyxiv
- Python >= 3.5
- aiohttp (will be installed automatically if using pip)
import asyncio
from pyxiv import *
async def main(api):
await api.login('username', 'password')
# get origin url
json_result = await api.illust_detail(59580629)
illust = json_result.illust
print(">>> origin url: %s" % illust.image_urls['large'])
# get ranking: 1-30
# mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
json_result = await api.illust_ranking('day')
for illust in json_result.illusts:
print(" p1 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))
# next page: 31-60
next_qs = api.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = await api.illust_ranking(**next_qs)
for illust in json_result.illusts:
print(" p2 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))
Using API proxy behind the Great Wall See detail in Issue#73
Note that the below is from the upstream sync version:
- Upgrade pixivpy >= v3.2.0:
pip install pixivpy --upgrade
- Call
like the below:
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
json_result = aapi.illust_ranking()
for illust in json_result.illusts[:3]:
- Replace
- Change deprecated SPAI call to Public-API call
print(">>> new ranking_all(mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50)")
#rank_list = api.sapi.ranking("all", 'day', 1)
rank_list = api.ranking_all('daily', 1, 50)
# more fields about response: https://github.com/upbit/pixivpy/wiki/sniffer
ranking = rank_list.response[0]
for img in ranking.works:
#print img.work
print("[%s/%s(id=%s)] %s" % (img.work.user.name, img.work.title, img.work.id, img.work.image_urls.px_480mw))
You might want to read Pixiv Public-API (OAuth)分析
This is a port of PixivPy3 to be asynchronous using aiohttp
Other than needing to await
most functions, the usage is basically the same.
Please note that I am not all that experienced with aiohttp
and have left most of the original library code as-is.
class AppPixivAPI(BasePixivAPI):
# 返回翻页用参数
def parse_qs(self, next_url):
# 用户详情 (无需登录)
async def user_detail(self, user_id):
# 用户作品列表 (无需登录)
async def user_illusts(self, user_id, type='illust'):
# 用户收藏作品列表 (无需登录)
async def user_bookmarks_illust(self, user_id, restrict='public'):
# 关注用户的新作
# restrict: [public, private]
async def illust_follow(self, restrict='public'):
# 作品详情 (无需登录,同PAPI.works)
async def illust_detail(self, illust_id):
# 相关作品列表 (无需登录)
async def illust_related(self, illust_id):
# 插画推荐 (Home - Main)
# content_type: [illust, manga]
async def illust_recommended(self, content_type='illust'):
# 作品排行
# mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
# date: '2016-08-01'
# mode(r18榜单需登录): [day_r18, day_male_r18, day_female_r18, week_r18, week_r18g]
async def illust_ranking(self, mode='day', date=None, offset=None):
# 趋势标签 (Search - tags) (无需登录)
async def trending_tags_illust(self):
# 搜索 (Search)
# search_target - 搜索类型
# partial_match_for_tags - 标签部分一致
# exact_match_for_tags - 标签完全一致
# title_and_caption - 标题说明文
# sort: [date_desc, date_asc]
# duration: [within_last_day, within_last_week, within_last_month]
async def search_illust(self, word, search_target='partial_match_for_tags', sort='date_desc', duration=None):
# 作品收藏详情 (无需登录)
async def illust_bookmark_detail(self, illust_id):
# 新增收藏
async def illust_bookmark_add(self, illust_id, restrict='public', tags=None):
# 删除收藏
async def illust_bookmark_delete(self, illust_id):
# 用户收藏标签列表
async def user_bookmark_tags_illust(self, restrict='public', offset=None):
# Following用户列表 (无需登录)
async def user_following(self, user_id, restrict='public', offset=None):
# Followers用户列表 (无需登录)
async def user_follower(self, user_id, filter='for_ios', offset=None):
# 好P友 (无需登录)
async def user_mypixiv(self, user_id, offset=None):
# 黑名单用户 (无需登录)
async def user_list(self, user_id, filter='for_ios', offset=None):
# 获取ugoira信息
async def ugoira_metadata(self, illust_id):
import asyncio
from pyxiv import AppPixivAPI
async def main(aapi):
await aapi.login('username', 'password')
# 作品推荐
json_result = await aapi.illust_recommended()
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 作品相关推荐
json_result = await aapi.illust_related(57065990)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 作品相关推荐-下一页 (.parse_qs(next_url) 用法)
next_qs = aapi.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = await aapi.illust_related(**next_qs)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 用户详情
json_result = await aapi.user_detail(660788)
user = json_result.user
print("%s(@%s) region=%s" % (user.name, user.account, json_result.profile.region))
# 用户作品列表
json_result = await aapi.user_illusts(660788)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 用户收藏列表
json_result = await aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(2088434)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 2016-07-15 日的过去一周排行
json_result = await aapi.illust_ranking('week', date='2016-07-15')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 关注用户的新作 (需要login)
json_result = await aapi.illust_follow(req_auth=True)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 标签 "水着" 搜索
json_result = await aapi.search_illust('水着', search_target='partial_match_for_tags')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
class PixivAPI(BasePixivAPI):
# 作品详细
async def works(self, illust_id):
# 用户资料
async def users(self, author_id):
# 我的订阅
async def me_feeds(self, show_r18=1):
# 获取收藏夹
async def me_favorite_works(self,page=1,per_page=50,image_sizes=['px_128x128', 'px_480mw', 'large']):
# 添加收藏
# publicity: public, private
async def me_favorite_works_add(self, work_id, publicity='public'):
# 删除收藏
async def me_favorite_works_delete(self, ids):
# 关注用户
# publicity: public, private
async def me_favorite_users_follow(self, user_id, publicity='public'):
# 用户作品
# publicity: public, private
async def users_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30, publicity='public'):
# 用户收藏
# publicity: public, private
async def users_favorite_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30, publicity='public'):
# 排行榜/过去排行榜
# mode:
# daily - 每日
# weekly - 每周
# monthly - 每月
# male - 男性热门
# female - 女性热门
# original - 原创
# rookie - Rookie
# daily_r18 - R18每日
# weekly_r18 - R18每周
# male_r18
# female_r18
# r18g
# page: 1-n
# date: '2015-04-01' (仅过去排行榜)
async def ranking_all(self, mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50, date=None):
# 搜索
# query: 搜索的文字
# page: 1-n
# mode:
# text - 标题/描述
# tag - 非精确标签
# exact_tag - 精确标签
# caption - 描述
# period (only applies to asc order):
# all - 所有
# day - 一天之内
# week - 一周之内
# month - 一月之内
# order:
# desc - 新顺序
# asc - 旧顺序
async def search_works(self, query, page=1, per_page=30, mode='text',
period='all', order='desc', sort='date'):
Sample usage:
from pyxiv import PixivAPI
import asyncio
async def main(api):
# 作品详细 PAPI.works
json_result = await api.works(46363414)
illust = json_result.response[0]
print( ">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 用户资料 PAPI.users
json_result = await api.users(1184799)
user = json_result.response[0]
# 我的订阅 PAPI.me_feeds
json_result = await api.me_feeds(show_r18=0)
ref_work = json_result.response[0].ref_work
# 我的收藏列表(private) PAPI.me_favorite_works
json_result = await api.me_favorite_works(publicity='private')
illust = json_result.response[0].work
print("[%s] %s: %s" % (illust.user.name, illust.title, illust.image_urls.px_480mw))
# 关注的新作品[New -> Follow] PAPI.me_following_works
json_result = await api.me_following_works()
illust = json_result.response[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 我关注的用户 PAPI.me_following
json_result = await api.me_following()
user = json_result.response[0]
# 用户作品 PAPI.users_works
json_result = await api.users_works(1184799)
illust = json_result.response[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 用户收藏 PAPI.users_favorite_works
json_result = await api.users_favorite_works(1184799)
illust = json_result.response[0].work
print(">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 获取收藏夹 PAPI.me_favorite_works
json_result = await api.me_favorite_works()
ids = json_result.response[0].id
# 添加收藏 PAPI.me_favorite_works_add
json_result = await api.me_favorite_works_add(46363414)
# 删除收藏 PAPI.me_favorite_works_delete
json_result = await api.me_favorite_works_delete(ids)
# 关注用户 PAPI.me_favorite_users_follow
json_result = await api.me_favorite_users_follow(1184799)
# 排行榜 PAPI.ranking(illust)
json_result = await api.ranking('illust', 'weekly', 1)
illust = json_result.response[0].works[0].work
print(">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 过去排行榜 PAPI.ranking(all, 2015-05-01)
json_result = await api.ranking(ranking_type='all', mode='daily', page=1, date='2015-05-01')
illust = json_result.response[0].works[0].work
print(">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 标题(text)/标签(exact_tag)搜索 PAPI.search_works
#json_result = api.search_works("五航戦 姉妹", page=1, mode='text')
json_result = await api.search_works("水遊び", page=1, mode='exact_tag')
illust = json_result.response[0]
print(">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))
# 最新作品列表[New -> Everyone] PAPI.latest_works
json_result = await api.latest_works()
illust = json_result.response[0]
print(">>> %s url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.px_480mw))
Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.