Towards Integration-Preserving Customization of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions with Composite Clabjects in RDF and SHACL
Sebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, and Jan David Smeddinck. 2022. Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings (MODELS '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 458–462.
- RDF:
- SHACL Advanced Features:
- (Oracle) JDK Version 19 (e.g., see
- In case your JDK (e.g., OpenJDK) does not come with the JavaFX SDK, you also need to download it (e.g., see
- Double click or run the tool (MULTI2022.jar) via console: java -jar MULTI2022.jar
- In case you explicitly had to download the JavaFX SDK, you have to run the tool via console:
java --module-path "<path to your JavaFX SDK lib folder>" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar MULTI2022.jar
By default, all examples from the paper are loaded. We provide the default version (model-full.ttl) and an empty version without SHACL shapes, SHACL rules and modeled classification criteria (model-empty.ttl) as files under the resource folder that can be loaded by the tool for experimentation.
The main menu offers the following functionality:
- Domain Model > Open: Open a model
- Domain Model > Save: Save current model
- Domain Model > Validate: Validation of the current model with regard to the SHACL shapes of the model
- Edit > Undo: Undo the last assertion (up to 5 times).
- Edit > Redo: Redo the last undone assertion.
- Edit > Globals: View and maintain things outside the hierarchy.
- View > SPARQL Query: Perform a SPARQL query.
- View > Linguistic Model: The linguistic model underlying this implementation (and not part of the paper).
The search field allows navigation within the composite clabject hierarchy with auto complete support.
The Add and Delete allow for modeling and removing objects and classes. This is not part of the paper and also not required for running the examples from the paper.
The tree view also allows for navigation within the composite clabject hierarchy, with clabjects being represented by their local name and specialization indicated by ">". Objects are additionally marked by a file symbol, classes by folders and meta classes by double folders.
Using the arrows, you can navigate back and forth (up to 10 times).
The model size is displayed as the number of triples.
The derived clabject description displays (not modifiable) asserted and derived facts of the currently selected clabject. The blue coloured things are resources within the composite clabject hierarchy that can be navigated to by clicking on them. For this demonstration, properties of the ddo: and n: namespaces are irrelevant, however, you may want to use them for navigation.
The asserted clabject description displays (modifiable) asserted facts of the current selected clabject. You can add additional facts about the clabject by asserting triples and clicking the synchronization button. Do not change properties of the ddo: and n: namespaces!
The difference between the derived clabject description and the asserted clabject description is evident in the figure above, e.g. by the derived SHACL property form being displayed in the former but not in the latter.