Scripts to analyze data and generate figures for Rouleau et al 2023, submitted to BioRxiv on 09/23 under number ###.
For raw sequencing data, please refer yourself to SRA BioProject: PRJNA1013557.
All code was written using Spyder 4.2.5 in Python 3.7.
This code uses cell-type organization implemented in Spyder. All cells are separated using the Spyder cell separator #%%.
Code is intended to be executed in a cell-wise manner, using the folder where the .py file is located as the working directory.
Individual scripts are commented within the code itself, explaning what each cell does.
conda v23.1
scipy v1.7.3
pandas v1.3.5
matplotlib v3.5.3
seaborn v0.12.2
re v2.2.1
Biopythion v1.78
sklearn mixture v1.0.2
All other packages used are specified in Materials and Methods of the main text.