You can start it with Chrono.start() and stop it with Chrono.stop()
It will return a list of 3 float corresponding to the chronometer's result : [hours, minutes, seconds]
The decryptor (as said by his own name) can encrypt and decrypt simple cypher algorithms.
For now, there are 4 algorithms :
- alpha - It converts a string into a digit list and vice versa.
- cesar - The cesar algorithm takes a string and shifts all characters to a certain position.
- morse - It enables to translate morse code into letters and vice versa.
- Numpad - ONLY ABLE TO CYPHER - convert a text string to a digit string.
The File Manager is used to manage files (thanks Captain Obvious).
- You can remove the prefix or the suffix of multiple files in a given folder (sub-folders excluded) with the functions prefix_delete(path, prefix) and suffix_delete(path, suffix).
- You can also remove the beginning of filenames with char_delete(path, char) that remove filenames up to the first occurrence of "char" (included) and char_nbr_delete(path, char_nbr) that remove filenames up to a certain "char_nbr".
The utilities module is composed of some miscellaneous useful functions.
- randomlistpicker(usrlist) return a random entry in the 'usrlist'.
- letter_randomizer(words) take all characters in a string (single word / sentence) or in a list of words and randomize them to return an "anagram"
- now() return a list with [day name, day number, month name, year, hour, minute, second]
- menu_generator(title, init, inputs, output) display a generated menu with a title, inputs and outputs.
- math_calc.launch() enables to launch a python calculator console (works in radians)
- TypeError - a function may return this error because an arguments' type isn't correct
- FileExistsError - a function in the file_manager may return this error because the modified file had the same name as an existing file
- InputError - a function may return this error because an argument isn't correctly formatted