How well do you think you know the London Underground? The Trivial Tube Quiz will put your Tube knowledge to the test!
🚨 Mind the Gap 🚨
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine so you can play to your heart's content!
An installation of ruby.
Install ruby if you don't have it already on your system --
You can check if ruby is installed and if so which version. Type the following into your terminal:
ruby -v
might output something like...
ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x86_64-darwin16]
These are the steps which allow you to get up and running with the game.
Step 0 -- Visit the Project URL:
Step 1 -- Download As Zip Archive
Step 2 -- Move the Zip Archive to your preferred directory
Step 3 -- Open the Terminal and navigate to your chosen directory
cd /Users/Liko/Downloads/trivial-tube-quiz-master
Step 4 -- Once you are here, run the following commands:
bundle install
This makes sure all dependencies in the Gemfile are available to your application.
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
These commands create the database schema and populate the details of the London Undeground.
ruby bin/run.rb
bundle exec ruby bin/run.rb
Run the first command to play the game! If there are errors, try the second command with bundle exec
Step 5 -- Test your knowledge, and top the leaderboards! 🙌 💪 🤘
🙉 Caroline Seilern - GitHub
🙈 Li Xie - GitHub
See also the list of all contributors who participated in this project.
See the file for details.