The J.O.U.R.N.A.L (Just anOther User Redaction & Navigation Assistant by Lucaspec72) is a Python program that handles the creation, encryption and storage of log/journal files. Kinda works like a diary of sorts.
How to use :
When starting the program, it will prompt you to enter your username (case sensitive), and your password (or ask you to create one if the account doesn't exists yet). The password of a user cannot currently be changed, but the option is planned.
Note: this is a WIP project i've started around october 8 2021.
Here are some screenshot to show off how the program currently looks :
main menu :
User entries list :
example of a log file :
another example, but since this is one of my own entries, this time i changed the font of my terminal to make reading it at least somewhat challenging. hope you can read chozo xD