Created By : Vinay Mallela
Email: [email protected]
Free, Multiple Language Translator
The project is a Multiple Languaue Translator
which is a python-based
application. The application generally listens to your speech and recognizes its language. Afterwards, it simultaneously translates the text into multiple languages(here, I implemented for three) and speaks the translated text as well. By using GUI, I made it easy for users to use.
- Recoreds the speech and detects its Languauge.
- Translates the speech into Multiple Languguaes.
- Speaks the Translated text in the respective Languaue.
Windows Installation
C:\Users\vinay>git clone
C:\Users\vinay>cd Multi-Lang-Translator
C:\Users\vinay>Python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Linux Installation
root@v:~/git clone
root@v:~/cd Multi-Lang-Translator
root@v:~/pip install -r requirements.txt
Select your achitecture & Download Pyaudio from this link.
Open the terminal where you have kept your
file and add the following command in terminal.pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
Feel free to open issues or PRs for any problem you may encounter, typos that you see or aspects that are confusing. Contributions are welcome, open an issue or email me if you have something you want to work on.
I really appreciate all kinds of feedback. Thanks for using and supporting this project!