This version of MOHID was developed from the official MOHID - Water Modelling System code repository (Neves, 2013).
It was first downloaded and modified by Shihan Li in 2015 for his Master's thesis (Li, 2017) and then modified again primarily by Shihan Li, Susan Allen, Doug Latornell, Ashutosh Bhudia, and Rachael Mueller for the MIDOSS project. The code updates archived here are different than those in the official MOHID repository, linked above. In addition, this code does not incorporate the modifications that have been made to create the most recent MOHID version, 23.10, since the time of initial download.
Code modifications include but are not limited to:
- adaptations for use of NEMO grid architecture and inputs of HRDPS and Wave Watch III (R),
- implimentation of Visser Method (random walk) with vertical diffusivities,
- averaging of environmental conditions over particles rather than values from one particle, and
- addition of a pseudocomponent algorithm for estimating biodegredation and dissolution.
See Mueller et al. (submitted) for a more in-depth explanation of the parameterizations and code modifications used for this study.
Neves, Ramiro (2013). The MOHID concept, In: Ocean modeling for coastal management -- Case studies with MOHID, M. Mateus & R. Neves (eds.), IST Press. pp 1-11.
Li, Shihan (2017). Evaluation of new weathering algorithms for oil spill modeling. Master's Thesis from Dalhousie University.
GNU General Public 3.0 License. This code is a modified version of MOHID - Water Modelling System and carries forward its license. See LICENCE file for more information.