This repository contains all the programs and assignments completed by me during my 3rd semester at Jamia Millia Islamia in the following labs:
- C Programming Lab
- Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Lab
- Linux Lab
This directory contains all the C programs written for the C Programming Lab. Topics include:
- Basic C programs
- Functions, Recursion
- Pointers and Memory Allocation
- Structures and Unions
This directory contains programs for the Data Structures and Algorithms Lab. Topics include:
- Arrays (and Linked Lists coming soon)
- Stacks and Queues
- Sorting and Searching Algorithms (coming soon)
This directory contains shell scripts and other Linux-related programs from the Linux Lab. Topics include:
- Basic Linux commands
- Shell scripting
- File and process management
You can clone this repository using:
git clone
Each folder contains source code for individual lab programs. Simply navigate to the respective folder and compile the programs using a C compiler (like gcc for C programs or g++ for C++ programs). Run shell scripts in bash for Linux Lab exercises.
This repository is open-source and free to use. Feel free to refer to the programs, but please give appropriate credit when sharing.