MSIO aims to provide a single point of entry to support semantic markup of experiments making use of NMR and MS techniques to identify, measure and quantify small molecules known as metabolites. MSIO covers metabolite profiling, targeted or undertargeted, tracer based applications. MSIO reuses a number of resources such as CHEBI, DUO, NMRCV, OBI, and STATO.
It is compatible with OBI and can be imported in it but also can be used as is for users working solely on Metabolomics.
MSIO is now available from EMBL EBI Ontology Lookup System, here.
Log term requests here.
The following screenshots allow for a sneak peak at the resource to gauge its coverage.
Material Processing:
Data Transformation:
Material Entities:
Material Entities:
Information Entities:
The development version of the ontology is at: MSIO-edit.owl