This is the API backend for Enrichr. It supports faster in memory data structures to take the load of the database instance.
This file should be extracted into the /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/data/ folder.
The data used by Speedrichr are stored directly in the docker image. You can download the gmt files from an S3 bucket s3://maayanlab-public/enrichr
(ask Daniel for access) To update or add a new GMT file the following steps have to be taken:
- Update the file: /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/data/datasetStatistics.json
Add information about the new file in the format of:
"geneCoverage": number of genes,
"genesPerTerm": average number of genes,
"libraryName": name of gene set (same as GMT file name without file ending),
"link": url of resource,
"numTerms": number of gene lists,
"categoryId": category from "categories" at the end of the file
"geneCoverage": 17464,
"genesPerTerm": 63,
"libraryName": "DisGeNET",
"link": "",
"numTerms": 9828,
"categoryId": 7
Add GMT file to folder: /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/data/genelibs
Build new docker image and push to docker hub. Go to /docker folder and execute ./ This will also launch a local version of Speedrichr at port 8666 and can be tested at localhost.
Example: http://localhost:8666/speedrichr/api/datasetStatistics