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User Initiated Workflows

Kevin edited this page Oct 17, 2024 · 9 revisions

First, it's important to understand that when there is no actively logged in user, the super workflow automatically continues (to install and/or restart) without any user interaction. However, the default super workflow when there is an actively logged in user is not ideal if you want to immediately start installing and/or restart. For example, if you prefer to have your super workflow initiated by the user using a management tool like Jamf Pro's Self Service then you need to enable additional super options for the best user experience.

Also keep in mind, there are additional alternate workflow options that can further adjust the super workflow behavior.

Install Now

Start the super (install and/or restart) workflow immediately.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

Because the super install now workflow may have several things to do (like download a macOS update or upgrade) before the system can be restarted, additional notifications are shown to keep the user apprised of the workflow progress.

super has no control over the amount of time the macOS update or upgrade takes but the notifications automatically update with more accurate estimates once certain milestones are reached. You can significantly reduce the user wait time by pre-downloading macOS updates or upgrades via the --workflow-only-download option.

The install now starting notification

The install now starting notification

The install now downloading notification

The install now downloading notification

The macOS update/upgrade restart notification

The macOS update/upgrade restart notification

The install now completed notification

The install now completed notification

Only Download

Download and prepare macOS updates or upgrades but do not start any installation workflow.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

This super option is designed to work along with the --workflow-install-now option to significantly reduce the wait time for user-initiated macOS update or upgrade workflows. However, it's important to note that this option does not set the workflow schedule zero day date.

For computers managed by Jamf Pro, this workflow also automatically collects inventory after the macOS update or upgrade has been successfully downloaded. This feature can be used along with a super downloaded status Jamf Pro inventory Extension Attribute script to enable further automation.

For example, you can create a Jamf Pro Smart Group based on the super downloaded status. Use this group as the Scope for a Jamf Pro Self Service Policy that allows the user to start the super --workflow-install-now workflow. This results in a Self Service Policy that allows the user to install macOS updates or upgrades but only when they are fully prepared and ready for immediate restart.

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