changelog for v19-10-2024
The Dumper:
- detects if running on a T2 or Silicon Mac and removes the button accordingly.
- added a dialog for missing LBSN/BD sector.
- decodes board-id to Mac model in log file.
- tells the user if the assigned FireWire address does not match the firmware MAC address.
This may indicate that on an MP41 or MP51, firmware from another machine was flashed.
- dumping IM121 is forced to use eficheck (available from High Sierra to Ventura) due to a crash when loading DirectHW.kext.
- "FW MAC matches not with LBSN" or "FW MAC matches with LBSN" line, when the Mac has Firewire and LBSN sector has a firmware MAC address.
- a catch when Eficheck is not available (before 10.13, after 13).
- a catch for an empty EFI version string
- CRC32 check for the main firmware volumes for MP41 and MP51 firmwares.
Macschrauber's System Version Scanner:
- more sealed status report.
- more progress bar steps for multiple MacOS on one machine.
Select Wi-Fi from found networks and Select Wi-Fi from preferred networks:
Message and workaround if Airport Utility cli tool is not working anymore on OS since Ventura.
ESP Tools:
- detect amdvbflash ESP
unmount all ESPs, Mount ESP from list, Mount ESP from list and show bootloader:
- unmounting has an option to handle busy status of ESPs.
copy ESP:
- sets script into a loop, to work on more than one ESP in a row.
- edit boot-args got into a loop, so editing more options is more comfortable.
Preboot Fixer:
- mount ESP needs admin privileges if user is not in admin group, fixed when using stored admin / password data.