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Deewarz edited this page Jan 12, 2024
5 revisions
-- Camera Scripts
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():SetInteriorExteriorCamera(Boolean) -- Switches between interior and exterior camera - true = interior, false = exterior
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptUnlock(Transition Time (Integer)) -- Unlocks player camera
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptUnlockResetDir(Transition Time (Integer), Boolean) -- Unlocks player camera and resets camera direction true/false
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptLock(Camera Position Entity, Transition Time (Integer)) -- Moves and locks player camera to an entity
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptLockTarget(Camera Position Entity, Camera Target Entity, Transition Time (Integer)) -- Locks camera to an entity and points it at another entity
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptLockTargetOffset(Camera Position Entity, Camera Target Entity, Offset Vector, Transition Time (Integer)) -- Locks camera to an entity and points it at another entity with an offset
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptPointAtVec(Vector, Transition Time (Integer), Rotation Enabled (Integer), Locked Time (Integer)) -- Points player camera in a direction
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptPointAtEnt(Camera Target Entity, Transition Time (Integer), Enabled (Integer), Locked Time (Integer)) -- Points player camera at an entity
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptForcedOffsetStart(Random Hash, Random Hash, Offset Vector, Transition Time Out (Integer), Transition Time In (Integer), Wait Time (Integer), Boolean) -- Offsets Player Camera
game.cameramanager:GetPlayerCamera():ScriptForcedFOVStart(Random Hash, Random Hash, Transition Time In (Integer), Transition Time Out (Integer), FOV Value (Integer), Wait Time (Integer), Unknown Boolean, Out Transition Enabled (Boolean))
-- Game Scripts
game.game:AddTranslocatorExclusionZone(Position Vector, Radius (Integer)) -- Creates a translocator exclusion zone
game.game:AddTranslocatorInclusionZone(Position Vector, Radius (Integer)) -- Creates a translocator inclusion zone
game.game:ClearWeaponsInRadius(Position Vector, Area Raduis (Integer)) -- Removes all dropped weapons in a defined area
game.game:GetCorpseCountAroundPos(Position Vector, Area Raduis (Integer)) -- Counts corpses in a defined area
game.game:GetCurrentGameDifficulty() -- Returns current game difficulty ID
game.game:GetDLCNamesByType(Type name) -- Returns DLC name
game.game:GetPlayersEnemies() -- Gets all players enemies
game.game:IsPointInView(Position Vector, Unknown Integer, Unknown Integer) -- Checks if a point in your screenspace
game.game:ModifyGameTime(Integer, 1) -- Changes game speed
game.game:StartStopSlowMotionEffects(false) -- Stop slow motion sound effects
game.game:StartStopSlowMotionEffects(true, true, true) -- Plays slow motion sound effects
game.game:GetLoadedSaveId() -- Returns save name
game.game:GetLoadedSaveType() -- Returns save type
game.game:GotoPositionWithLookAt(Pos.x,Pos.y,Pos.z,Dir.x,Dir.y,Dir.x) -- Teleports player to position facing specified direction
game.game:ProjectPointToScreen(Vector) -- Returns some number
game.game:ThrowProjectileWeapon(Weapon Name (String), Starting Position(Vector), Ending Position (Vector), Angle (Integer), Thrower Entity) -- Throws grenade/molotov
-- Director Scripts
game.director:GetCurrentAct() -- Returns number of current act
game.director:QuestSetFinished(Quest Name (String)) -- Finishes specified mission
-- Player/Human Scripts
getp():ActivateRagdoll(Boolean) -- Activates player/human ragdoll state
getp():AddTag(Tag Name (String), Tag Name (String), 0.000000) -- Adds a tag to the player/npc
getp():ApplyRagdollRadialSpeed(Vector, Strenght (Integer), Strenght (Integer)) -- Adds velocity to ragdoll
getp():AreControlsLocked() -- Checks whether player controls are locked or not
getp():ClampMoveSpeed(Random String, enums.ClampPlayerMoveSpeed.CUSTOM, Speed Value (Integer)) -- Changes player's walking speed
getp():ClampSprintSpeed(Random String, enums.ClampPlayerSprintSpeed.CUSTOM, Speed Value (Integer)) -- Changes player's running speed
getp():ClearInventory() -- Removes all weapons
getp():ClearSpeedCurveOverride() -- Removes player movement speed curve override
getp():ClimbShoreFromSwimmingEnabled() -- Checks if climbing out of water is enabled
getp():DbgTesting_HelperFire_GetAmmoCountInEquipedWeapon() -- Returns ammo count in equiped weapon
getp():DisableAutoExitFromExplodedCar(Boolean) --Enables/Disables player auto exit on car explosion
getp():DisableInput(Random String, Boolean, Input Name) -- Disables player input types
getp():EnableClimbShoreFromSwimming(Boolean) -- Gives/Removes ability to climp out of water
getp():ForceVoice(Hash) -- Changes voice
getp():GetAimDiff(true) -- Returns aim direction difference
getp():GetComponent("C_ModelComponent"):SetRenderUserValue(ID (Integer) -- Changes model render type
getp():GetComponent("C_ModelComponent"):SetSubdivType(ID (Integer) -- Changes model subdiv type
getp():GetInventoryWeaponsInSlotType(Slot Type) -- Returns weapon name in specified slot
getp():GetMoveDir(true) -- Returns player's movement direction vector (can be used to check whether WSAD are pressed)
getp():GetOffVehicle(Boolean, Unknown Boolean) -- Makes player exit vehicle (Must be used in Wait function)
getp():GetOnVehicle(Vehicle Scene Object, Seat ID (Integer), Use animation (Boolean), Animation Type (String)) -- Teleports/Makes player enter vehicle. Must first lock player controls and run in Wait function. Known Anim types: "WALK", "RUN"
getp():GetVoice() -- Returns player's voice hash
getp():GetWeaponName() -- Returns active weapon name
getp():GiveFullArmor() -- Gives player full armor
getp():InventoryAddAmmoByCategory(Category ID (Integer), Ammo Count (Integer)) -- Gives ammo 70 - Grenades 71 - Molotovs
getp():InventoryAddMoney(Integer) -- Gives money to player
getp():InventoryAddWeapon(Weapon Name (String), Ammo Count (Integer)) -- Adds a weapon to players inventory
getp():InventoryGetAmmoLimit(Ammo Category ID (Integer)) -- Checks ammo category carry limit
getp():InventoryGetMoney() -- Returns players balance
getp():InventoryGetSelected() -- Returns active weapon
getp():InventoryHolster(boolean) -- Holsters active weapon
getp():InventoryLoadWeapons() -- Reloads all weapons in players inventory
getp():InventoryRemoveMoney(Integer) -- Removes money from player
getp():InventoryRemoveWeapon(Weapon Name (String)) -- Removes weapon from players inventory
getp():InventorySelect(Weapon Name (String), Use Animation (Boolean), Unknown Boolean) -- Equips weapon from player's inventory
getp():IsButtonDown(Integer) -- Check if a key is pressed
getp():IsClothSimulated() -- Returns whether cloth is simulated or not
getp():IsInCover() -- Checks if player is in cover
getp():IsInCoverFull(Boolean) -- Checks if player is in cover
getp():IsPlayerUsingDefaultCostume() -- Checks if player is using default outfit
getp():LockControls(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables player input
getp():MoveEnt(Target Entity, Walking Type, Direction Vector) -- Moves NPC/Player to entity
getp():MoveVec(Position Vector) -- Moves player to vector
getp():RemoveBloodDecals() -- Removes blood decals from player
getp():SetCanBreakIntoVehicles(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables breaking into cars
getp():SetCanLockpick(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables car lockpicking
getp():SetCanStealVehicles(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables car stealing
getp():SetCoverMode(Boolean, Skip Animation (Boolean)) -- Makes player seek nearest cover
getp():SetInvestigationMode(Boolean) -- Shows/Hides "Investigation Mode" gui
getp():SetMaxHealth() -- Refills player health
getp():SetOnFireCinematic() -- Sets player on fire
getp():SetSpeedCurveOverride(String) -- Changes player movement speed curve
getp():SetStalkMove(Boolean) -- Makes player enter stealth mode
getp():SimulateCloth(Boolean, Unknown Boolean) -- Enable/Disable Cloth Simulation
getp():SlideToSeat() -- Allows player to change between seats
getp():StartLookAtTarget(Enum, Target Entity, Offset Vector, Look Time (Integer), Unknown Integer, Point With Hand (Boolean)) -- Makes player look/point at an entity
getp():StopLookAt() -- Stops player looking at an entity
getp():SwitchDefaultPlayerSpawnProfile(Spawn Profile Hash) -- Changes default player model
getp():SwitchPlayerSpawnProfile(Spawn Profile Hash) -- Changes current player model
getp():Teleport(Position Vector, Rotation Vector, Unknown Boolean) -- Teleports Player, Unknown Boolean = true/false
getp():GetComponent("C_PropObjectOwnerComponent"):DropAllPropsLegacy(Attachment Type Enum, Vector) -- Drops all attached props
getp():PlaySyncedAnimation(Player Animation Name (String), Loop (Boolean), NPC Entity, NPC Animation Name (String), Move NPC to player (Boolean)) -- Plays synced animation on 2 entities
human:GetSeePlayer() -- Checks whether the NPC can see player
human:PanicCrouch(0.000000) -- Make an NPC crouch
-- Traffic Scripts
game.traffic:CloseSeason() -- Disables all traffic
game.traffic:GetClosestPointOnRoad(Vector, Search Radius (Integer), Unknown Boolean, Unknown Boolean) -- Returns closest point on a road
game.traffic:GetLastPlayerCar() -- Returns last player used car
game.traffic:GetSeason() -- Returns current traffic season
game.traffic:OpenSeason(Year ID (Integer)) -- Enables specified traffic
game.traffic:Populate() -- Respawn all traffic
game.traffic:SetMaxHumanElements(Integer) -- Sets max ammount of NPCs spawned
game.traffic:SetTrainDensity(Integer) -- Changes tram and train density
game.traffic:SetMaxVehicleElements(Max Moving Cars (Integer), Max Parked Cars (Integer), Max Translocated Cars (Integer), Max Translocated Boats (Integer), Max Moving Boats (Integer)) -- Changes max ammount of vehicle elements
-- Outfit Scripts
game.outfits:GetCurrentOutfit() -- Returns current player outfit ID
game.outfits:SetCurrentOutfit(String) -- Changes player outfit
-- Police Scripts
game.police:Enable() -- Enables Police
game.police:Disable() -- Disables Police
game.police:ZoneCreate(Position Vector, Police Zone Type, Wanted Level (Integer)) -- Creates a police zone
game.police:ZoneDeleteAll() -- Removes all police zones and wanted level
game.police:ZoneDecayAll() -- Removes all police zones and wanted level
game.police:DisableOffencesGlobal(Boolean) -- Disables offences but not police
game.police:ZoneDecay(Position Vector, Unknown Integer) -- Removes specific police zone
game.police:PreventDispatchSpeech(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables Police dispatch
game.police:PreventPoliceSpawning(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables Police spawn
game.police:ForceMinEscalationLevel(Integer) -- Changes minimum wanted level
game.police:ClampEscalationLevel(Integer) -- Locks wanted level
game.police:PreventZonesDecay(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables police zone decay
game.police:DisablePoliceSquealers(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables squealers
game.police:GetZoneInfo(Random Integer) -- Returns police zone info and wanted level
-- Vehicle Scripts
getp():GetOwner():CloseHood() -- Closes car's hood
getp():GetOwner():CloseTrunk() -- Closes car's trunk
getp():GetOwner():DisableRealLights(Boolean) -- Disables light projection
getp():GetOwner():Explode() -- Explodes player's vehicle
getp():GetOwner():GetActualFuel() -- Returns current fuel ammount
getp():GetOwner():GetCarTableId() -- Returns Car ID
getp():GetOwner():GetDamage() -- Returns current vehicle damage
getp():GetOwner():GetFuelTankCapacity() -- Returns fuel tank capacity
getp():GetOwner():GetMotorDamage() -- Returns current engine damage
getp():GetOwner():GetPassengers() -- Returns car passengers
getp():GetOwner():GetPerfRating() -- Returns car's performance rating
getp():GetOwner():GetPointW(Integer) -- Returns some position
getp():GetOwner():GetPowerInternal() -- Returns current power either 0 or 1
getp():GetOwner():GetPowerWish() -- Returns current power either 0 or 1
getp():GetOwner():GetProhibitGarage() -- Returns garage prohibit state of car
getp():GetOwner():GetResistance() -- Returns current vehicle resistance to damage
getp():GetOwner():GetSeatCount() -- Returns number of seats a car has
getp():GetOwner():GetSpeed() -- Returns current vehicle speed vector
getp():GetOwner():GetSpeedFloat() -- Returns current vehicle speed float
getp():GetOwner():GetVehicleModelName() -- Returns vehicle name
getp():GetOwner():GetWheel(Wheel ID (Integer)) -- Returns car wheel name 1 - Front wheels 2 - Rear wheels
getp():GetOwner():GetWheelPos(Wheel ID (Integer)) -- Returns wheel position
getp():GetOwner():HasVehicleFlag(Flag) -- Checks whether car has specified flag
getp():GetOwner():HasVehicleFunctionFlag(Flag) -- Check whether vehicle has specified function flag
getp():GetOwner():IsAllowedTuning(Tune ID (Integer)) -- Checks whether vehicle can recieve specified tuning
getp():GetOwner():IsCarPosFixed() -- Checks whether car pos is fixed
getp():GetOwner():IsEngineOn() -- Checks whether engine is on
getp():GetOwner():IsSeatWindowOpen(Seat Number (Integer)) -- Check whether a car window is open
getp():GetOwner():OpenDoor(Door ID (Integer), Open/Close (Boolean), Skip Animation (Boolean)) -- Opens/Closes car doors
getp():GetOwner():OpenHood() -- Opens car's hood
getp():GetOwner():OpenSeatWindow(Seat Number (Integer), Open/Close (Boolean), Skip Animation (Boolean)) -- Opens/Closes a car window
getp():GetOwner():OpenTrunk() -- Opens car's trunk
getp():GetOwner():ReflectorsForceOff(Boolean) -- Forces front lights off
getp():GetOwner():SetActualFuel(Integer) -- Sets current fuel ammount
getp():GetOwner():SetAddSteer(Integer) -- Changes wheel return position
getp():GetOwner():SetBeaconLightOn(Boolean) -- Turns On/Off car beacon light
getp():GetOwner():SetColor(Color ID (Integer), Color ID (Integer), Boolean) -- Changes the color of player's car
getp():GetOwner():SetDirty(Integer) -- Sets car dirt
getp():GetOwner():SetEngineOn(Engine On/Off (Boolean), Skip Engine Startup (Boolean)) -- Sets engine state
getp():GetOwner():SetExploded() -- Explodes current vehicle without explosion effects
getp():GetOwner():SetHornOn(Boolean) -- Turns on/off car horn
getp():GetOwner():SetImpulse(Vector, Vector) -- Pushes the car in a direction
getp():GetOwner():SetInteriorColorsSet(Integer) -- Set car interior colors set
getp():GetOwner():SetLightsOn(Boolean) -- Turns lights On/Off
getp():GetOwner():SetMotorBadTune(Boolean) -- Activates/Disables engine bad tune
getp():GetOwner():SetMotorDamage(Integer) -- Sets engine damage
getp():GetOwner():SetPreLaunchMode(Boolean) -- Sets vehicle into prelaunch mode, locks position but not throttle
getp():GetOwner():SetProhibitGarage(Boolean) -- Sets garage prohibit state of car
getp():GetOwner():SetResistance() -- Sets vehicle's resistance to damage
getp():GetOwner():SetRust(Integer) -- Sets car rust
getp():GetOwner():SetSPZText(String, true) -- Changes SPZ text on player's car
getp():GetOwner():SetSpeed(Integer) -- Sets vehicle speed
getp():GetOwner():SetSteeringPlay(Integer) -- Changes steering responsivness
getp():GetOwner():SetTireCoefOverride(Front Wheels Grip (Integer), Rear Wheels Grip (Integer)) -- Changes tire grip
getp():GetOwner():SetWheel(Wheel ID (Integer), Wheel Name (String)) -- Changes car wheels 1 - Front wheels 2 - Rear wheels
getp():GetOwner():SetWheelColor(Color ID (Integer), Color ID (Integer)) -- Sets car wheel color
getp():GetOwner():SetWheelsProtected(Boolean) -- Bulletproof Tires
getp():GetOwner():StabilizeJump() -- Stops vehicle from spinning while airborne
getp():GetOwner():SetAllWindowsBulletproof(Boolean) -- Makes all car windows bulleproof
getp():GetOwner():SetWindowBulletproof(Integer, Boolean) -- Makes selected window bulleproof
getp():GetOwner():SetMotorMalfunction(Boolean) -- Breaks/Fixes engine
getp():GetOwner():FadeFuelEffectStart(Integer, Integer) -- 0-100
getp():GetOwner():FixCarPos(Boolean) -- Sends the car flying to 0,0,0?
getp():GetOwner():Reset() -- Resets all vehicle properties
getp():GetOwner():IsVisibleFromCamera() -- Check whether car or any entity can be seen or not
getp():GetOwner():SetForceStopMode(Boolean) -- Forces car breaks on
getp():GetOwner():RepairAndClear() -- Repairs and cleans vehicle
getp():GetOwner():Repair() -- Repairs vehicle
-- Game Physics Scripts
game.physics:GetCollisionPointBelow(Position Vector) -- Returns position vector of the collision point under the specified vector
-- Game GFX Scripts
game.gfx:GetTime() -- Returns current time of day
game.gfx:SetTime(Integer, 0.0) -- Sets time to specific hour
game.gfx:SetTimeFlowSpeed(Integer) -- Changes the speed of time flow
-- Shot Manager
game.shotmgr:CreateExplosion(Position Vector, Weapon Name (String)) -- Creates an explosion on the specified location
game.shotmgr:CreateExplosion(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetPos(), "car_bomb") -- Explode closest car to player
game.shotmgr:CreateScriptExplosion(Scene Object, Position Vector, Explosion Type (String), Unknown Integer, Unknown Boolean, Area of Effect (Integer), Unknown Integer, Unknown Integer, Set On Fire (Boolean))
game.shotmgr:CreateShots(Shots Origin Entity, Unknown Argument, Shooting Position, Unknown Argument Vector, Shot Target Position Vector, Weapon Name (String), Weapon Accuracy (Integer), Shooting Time (Integer), Unknown Integer, Unknown Boolean, Shot Sound Enabled (Boolean))
game.shotmgr:ScriptSetExplosionsEnabled(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables all explosions
-- HUD
HUD_AddQuestOverrideObjective(Objective Name (String)) -- Adds objective override HUD indicator
HUD_RemoveQuestOverrideObjective(Objective Name (String)) -- Removes objective override HUD indicator
HUD_RemoveQuestObjective(Objective Name (String), Boolean) -- Removes objective HUD indicator
game.hud:AddEntityIndicator(Scene Wrapper Object, Icon Name (String) or ID (Integer), Offset Vector) -- Adds an icon to an object
game.hud:AddEntityIndicatorBone(Scene Wrapper Object, Icon Name (String) or ID (Integer), Offset Vector, Bone Name (String)) -- Adds icon to object bone
game.hud:AddSecondaryObjective(Objective Name (String), Unknown Boolean, Subobjective Icon Type) -- Adds subobjective HUD indicator
game.hud:AttachMovie(SWF File Path, Object, "", Direction Vector, Offset Vector, Scale (Integer), enums.MenuId.E_MENUID_OUTFIT) -- Opens Outfit Menu tied to an object
game.hud:DamageGaugeShow(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables Vehicle damage gauge HUD
game.hud:FaderFadeIn(Time (Integer)) -- Fades screen back in
game.hud:FaderFadeOut(Time (Integer)) -- Fades screen to black
game.hud:FaderFadeOutMute(Time (Integer)) -- Fades screen to black without sound effects
game.hud:GetScreenAspectRatio() -- Returns current screen aspect ratio
game.hud:GetScreenResolution() -- Returns current screen resolution
game.hud:GetInteractCameraDummy() -- Gets the InteractCameraDummy scene object
game.hud:HideMissionExit() -- Hides mission fail countdown message
game.hud:HideMissionRestart() -- Hides mission fail screen
game.hud:OpenScotchTutorial(Unknown Integer,String,Unknown Integer,Unknown Integer,Boolean) -- Opens some sort of tutorial HUD
game.hud:QuitToMainMenu() -- Exits to main menu
game.hud:RacingCheckpoint() -- Updates checkpoint HUD
game.hud:RacingClear() -- Resets and disables racing HUD
game.hud:RacingGetTime() -- Returns current race time
game.hud:RacingLapFinished() -- Resets racing HUD laps
game.hud:RacingShowHud(Boolean) -- Shows/Hides racing HUD
game.hud:RacingStart(Number of Laps (Integer), Unknown Integer) -- Starts racing timer
game.hud:RacingStop() -- Stops racing timer
game.hud:RacingVisualPause(Boolean) -- Stop racing timer while keeping it running in the background
game.hud:RemoveEntityIndicator(Scene Wrapper Object) -- Removes icon from an object
game.hud:RemoveSecondaryObjective(ID) -- Removes secondary objective
game.hud:SetCustomRadarRange(Integer, Unknown Boolean) -- Zooms it/out the minimap
game.hud:SetDamageGaugeValue(Integer) -- Changes Vehicle damage gauge HUD value
game.hud:SetForceIgnoreInventoryCollapse(true) -- Exits inventory menu
game.hud:SetPauseMapMenuEnabled(Boolean, Random Hash/Menu Hash?) -- Enables/Disables Pause Menu
game.hud:SetRacingLapsAndCheckpoints(Number of Laps (Integer), Number of Checkpoints (Integer)) -- Sets lap and checkpoint ammout
game.hud:SetTemperatureGaugeValue(Integer) -- Changes Vehicle temperature gauge HUD value
game.hud:SetTextEntityIndicator(Scene Wrapper Object, String) -- Adds text under an object icon
game.hud:Show(Boolean) -- Toggles all HUD
game.hud:ShowFinalSitdownChoice() -- Shows M3 final sitdown choice
game.hud:ShowMissionExit(Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String), Time (Integer)) -- Shows mission fail countdown message
game.hud:ShowMissionRestart(Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String)) -- Shows mission fail screen
game.hud:ShowRaceExitScreen(Top Text (String), Undert Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String), Race Class (Integer), Unknown Boolean, Unknown Boolean) -- Shows M3 race end HUD
game.hud:ShowRaceMessageWithTime(Message Name (String), Time, Better/Worse Time(Boolean)) -- Shows checkpoint time
game.hud:StartCountDown(Time In Seconds (Integer)) -- Starts race countdown
game.hud:StartCreditsSync(Integer) -- Shows credits screen
game.hud:TemperatureGaugeShow(Boolean) -- Enables/Disables Vehicle temperature gauge HUD
game.hud:TimerSet(Time In Seconds (Integer)) -- Sets timer value
game.hud:TimerShow(Boolean) -- Shows/Hides timer HUD
game.hud:TimerStart() -- Starts timer
game.hud:TimerStop() -- Stops timer
game.hud:ToggleSaveLoadSpinner(Boolean) -- Toggles saving icon
-- HUD SendMessageMovie
game.hud:HideTitleCard(false) -- Hides title card
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("GlobalGui", "ShowCredits", ID?) -- Shows credits screen
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnDebugHideRaceComplete") -- Hides some M3 race debug menu
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnDebugShowRaceComplete", true) -- Shows some M3 race debug menu
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnHideFreerideNotification") -- Hides notification
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowAttackHideout", String?, String?, String?) -- Shows M3 hideout attack message
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowCollectableCollected", "collectible_foxes", "collectible_foxes", Number Collected, Number Total, "", "foxes_collectable") -- Shows foxes collectible HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowDamageDoneToHideout", String, String, String, Current Ammount (Integer), Target Ammount (Integer)) -- Show M3 hideout damage HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowDateTimeTitle", true, "", "") -- Shows some M3 debug HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowEnterDistrict", Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String)) -- Same as "OnShowGenericMessage"
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowFreerideBanner", "$ef_title", "$ef_description") -- Shows freeride intro banner, can be set to any text
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowFreerideNotification", Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String), Top Text Color ID (Integer)) -- Shows a notification 0 - Red 1 - Golden
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowGenericMessage", Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String)) -- Shows a generic message M3 HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowKickbackAvailable", Unknown, Bottom Text (String)) -- Similar to M3 new mission HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowNewMissionAvailable", Mission Name (String)) -- Shows M3 new mission HUD
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowPassionActivityComplete", String?, String?, String?) -- Shows some assets M3 HUD
game.hud:ShowTitleCard(Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String), Boolean) -- Shows MDE title card
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnRaceAccepted") -- Plays some race sound
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowRaceTimeoutCountdown", "ui_race_timeout_warning", Integer) -- Plays some M3 race countdown sound
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnAddHTMLTextToQueue", "<p align='left'><Font Color='#FFFFFF' size='50'>" .. "Kamzik123" .. "</font></p>", 5 * 1000, 0, "HTMLTEXT", "left", 0.03, 0.03) -- Creates HTML Text
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnShowNote", true, Top Text (String), Bottom Text (String)) -- Shows note HUD
-- Entity - game.entitywrapper:GetEntity
entity:AttachObject() -- Attaches object to entity
entity:DetachObject() -- Detaches object from entity
entity:DynamicMove(Scene Object, Rotation Mode (Integer/Enum?), Time (Integer), Unknown Integer, Interpolation Mode (Integer/Enum?)) -- Moves entity dynamically to an object
entity:GetPos():DistanceToPoint(Vector) -- Returns distance from entity to specified vector
entity:GetRot() -- Returns quat rotation
entity:GetTransform() -- Returns entity world transform matrix
entity:GetPhysState() -- Returns current entity physics state
entity:SetPhysState(Enum) -- Sets current entity physics state
entity:GetType() -- Returns entity type ID
entity:IsVisibleFromCamera() -- Checks whether entity can be seen or not
entity:SetPos(Vector) -- Sets entity position to specified vector
entity:SetDir(Vector) -- Sets entity direction to specified vector
entity:SetPosDir(Vector, Vector) -- Sets entity position and direction to specified vectors respectively
entity:SetRot(Quat) -- Sets entity rotation to specified quat
entity:GameRestore() -- Resets entity (Must be used in Wait function)
entity:GetGUID() -- Returns entity GUID
entity:OverrideMaterialParam(Parameter Name (String), Value, Value (Optional), Value (Optional), Value (Optional))
-- Navigation
game.navigation:RegisterObjectivePos(Vector, Unknown String, Unknown String, Boolean) -- Adds objective icon to map
game.navigation:SetFilterOnlyRaceIcons(Boolean) -- Filters icons on radar
game.navigation:RegisterCircle(X Position, Y Position, Radius (Integer), Unknown String, Unknown String, NavColor or Color ID, Unknown Boolean)
-- Garage
game.garage:OpenCarcyclopediaMenu(Position Vector, Direction Vector, Scene Object (Will Start Rotating)) -- Opens Carcyclopedia
game.garage:OpenGarageMenu(Unknown Boolean, Position Vector, Direction Vector) -- Opens garage menu
game.garage:LeaveGarage(Boolean) -- Closes garage menu
-- Audio
game.audio:PlaySimpleEvent(Event Name (String)) -- Plays an audio file
-- Radio
game.radio:GetStation(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetOwner()) -- Returns active radio station ID
game.radio:IsOn(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetOwner()) -- Check whether radio is on or not
game.radio:NumAvailableStations(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetOwner()) -- Returns number of all available stations
game.radio:SelectStation(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetOwner(), Radio ID (Integer)) -- Sets specified radio station
game.radio:StartTransition(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetOwner()) -- Starts transition
-- Door - door = game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName("door_meeting_room"):GetComponent("C_RuntimeDoorComponent")
door:Lock(Kickable (Boolean), Unknown Integer) -- Locks door
door:Open() -- Opens door
door:Close() -- Closes door
door:Unlock() -- Unlocks door
-- Other
GetActiveQuestIndex() -- Returns active quest ID
GetActiveQuest() -- Returns active quest name
print(tostring(game.game:GetActivePlayer():GetGUID())) -- Prints player entity ID
ScriptEvent(String, String, String) -- Runs an event
PropObjectModule:TakePropByName(Entity, Prop Name Hash, Hand Name Hash, Bool, Bool, Bool) -- Attach Prop
PropObjectModule:TakePropBySceneObject(Entity, Object, Hand Name Hash, Bool, Bool) -- Attach Prop
PropObjectModule:CloneGlobalProp(Prop Name) -- Clones a prop
game.game:DbgActionToogle("Cutscenes", "Record vehicles")
game.game:DbgActionToogle("Cutscenes", "Stop vehicles")
-- Texts
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnAddHTMLTextToQueue", "<p align='left'><Font Color='#FFFFFF' size='50'>" .. "Kamzik123" .. "</font></p>", 5 * 1000, 0, "HTMLTEXT", "left", 0.02, 0.02)
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnAddHTMLTextToQueue", "<p align='left'><Font face='$Mafia3ThinFont' Color='#AEADA7' size='40'>" .. "+" .. "</font></p>", 3 * 1000, 0, "HTMLTEXT", "left", 0.4925, 0.47502)
game.hud:SendMessageMovie("HUD", "OnAddHTMLTextToQueue", "<p align='center'><Font face='$Mafia3ThinFont' Color='#FFFFFF' size='24'>" .. "Preview Build - Game Not Yet Final" .. "</font></p>", 60 / 1000, 0, "HTMLTEXT", "center", 0.5, 0.936)
-- Viscript
-- Player Data
-- Known Player/Human Tags
"do_not_attack" -- NPCs will not attack you
-- Known SWFs
-- Known Menu Types
-- Known Audio Event Names
-- Known HUD message strings
-- Known Player Speed Curves
-- Known Outfit Names
-- World Object Parameters
"C002" -- Color 1
"C003" -- Color 2
"D083" -- Glossiness
"D325" -- Brightness
-- Player Parameters
"D035" -- Micro Displacement Tiling
"D052" -- Eye Glossiness
"D083" -- Clothes darkness/wetness
"D102" -- Hair Blowing in the Wind
"D111" -- Makes hair disappear at anything higher than 340282356779733642748073463979561713663 -- game.game:GetActivePlayer():OverrideMaterialParam("D111", 340282356779733642748073463979561713664)
"D181" -- Skin Saturation
"D199" -- Wetness
"D325" -- Texture Exposure
"D533" -- Eye and Hair Darkness
"D537" -- Clothes Metalness
"D542" -- Weird Eye Glow at high values
"D543" -- Wetness level
"D544" -- Some sort of slight clothes glow
"D546" -- Eye Glow
"D547" -- Weird Dark Reddish Color at anything higher than 340282356779733642748073463979561713663
"D549" -- Eye Backside Glow and Glow Color
"D560" -- Eye Glow Color
"C019" -- Shoes Color
"C038" -- All colors
"C041" -- Jacket buttons Color
"C061" -- Vest Darkness
"C062" -- Vest Darkness but buttons are separated
"C064" -- Black Jacket
"C069" -- Shoes Color or pants color
"C016" -- Hair Color 1
"C009" -- Hair Color 2 and pants color
-- Car Parameters
"C005" -- Window Color
"C060" -- Color 1
"C061" -- Color 2
"D025" -- Window Refraction Offset
"D042" -- Plates and lights turns black at anything higher than 340282356779733642748073463979561713663
"D082" -- Visual damage
"D110" -- All Chrome and interior turn black at anything higher than 340282356779733642748073463979561713663
"D112" -- Body Chrome
"D155" -- Car glows at anything higher than 340282356779733642748073463979561713663 and breaks
"D158" -- Car interior glow at anything higher than 4294967167
"D197" -- Controls Cars specular
"D199" -- Other Chrome 0 - Chrome 1 - Matte
"D325" -- Undercarriage and other chrome lightness
"D370" -- Light Return Intesity - Breaks the other parameters
"D375" -- Burned state Corrosion
"D379" -- Burned State Lightness
"D382" -- Burned State Post Fire
-- Known Racing Hud messages
-- Material GUIDs
Villa Painting - "0x14201a62, 0xf9d16e8"
Race Poster - "0x331e0527, 0xacb565d"
Salieri Interior Doors - "0x56cb1aad, 0xa2569cc"
Wanted Poster - "0x3744590d, 0x3960b92"
Tommy Cabby Jacket - "0x4ba046cb, 0x744e0311"
Tommy Cabby Pants - "0x229E5718, 0x753A7017"
Tommy Base Body - "0x19DD6EBF, 0x6DBD4498"
Burke Jacket - "0x420f18a8, 0x76717933"
Tommy Head - "0x6D573f4, 0x7cd05f14"
Water - "0xa1c685e, 0x5ff86755"
Cobble Stone Side Walk - "0x280b3a1a, 0x18615a45"
Cobble Stone Side Walk 2 - "0x16bd0db7, 0x511e6676"
Pavement 1 - "0x8DD3087, 0x220507E"
Menu Bokeh 1 - "0x78393E72, 0x58C00A8"
Menu Bokeh 2 - "0x53BE7EF5, 0x1CBF399D"
Uni Color Red - "0x75A27025, 0x25335B76"
-- Cheat Engine Dump
file = io.open("test.log", "a")
for i=0,count-1 do
-- Entities
-- SDS Files
-- PersistentData