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Meeting Notes

Tim Honeywell edited this page May 6, 2013 · 66 revisions

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Regular weekly meetings have been taking place since mid February.
Meeting documentation only started beginning of April.

May 5 (1:00PM - 6:00PM)


  • Updated documentation
  • Discussed power point presentation and demo
  • Put finishing touches on final application code

May 2 (7:30PM - 10:00PM)

Dave, Tim, and Justin

  • Added user request functionality to the server
  • Changed confirmation email templates
  • Added iPhone support for requesting all users and one user
  • Began final project report and project presentation

April 30 (4:00PM - 8:00PM)

Tim, Adam, Marcelo, Justin, and Steve

  • Major meeting to gauge status of the project, and the team members' engagement.
  • All major features wrapped up and merged to the main development branch.
  • Version 0.2.0 built and deployed.
  • App is now ready for the Student Achievement day.
  • Plans made for wrapping up the project for the class, and for an open source lifecycle afterwards.

April 28 (2:00PM - 5:00 PM)

Justin, Adam, Tim, and Dave

  • Debugged server errors for requesting array of user's friends (Dave and Justin)
  • Finished implementation of loading friends from server to FriendsList View Controller (Justin)
  • Fixed issues with server and removed unnecessary server code files from repository (Tim and Dave)
  • Worked on saving created moments to s3 bucket (Adam)
  • Finished implementing confirmation emails for friend requests (Dave)

April 24 (2:30PM - 5:00 PM)

Steve, Justin, and Dave

  • Got video moments to work (Steve)
  • Discussed how requests for friendships are made to server (Dave and Justin)
  • Got the functionality for adding a friend on the server to work through the app (Justin)

April 23 (5:30PM - 7:00 PM)

Steve, Justin and Adam

  • Fixed drawing issue with profile viewer (steven)
  • Started view info page (steve)
  • Worked on navbar (Justin)
  • Attempted to get adding friends working with server (Justin)
  • Worked on moment detail view controller (Adam)
  • Implemented moment saving for users with s3 buckets/folders (Adam)

April 22 (8:00PM - 10:00PM)

Dave and Tim

  • Finished friendships controller
  • Added email confirmation when requesting friends
  • Began integrating with RDS

April 21 (12:00AM - 1:00 AM)

Steve and Tim

  • Merged user settings to development
  • Fixed merge problem
  • Steve needs to figure out how to be less of a git idiot

April 21 (2:00 - 6:00 PM)


  • Fully functional iPhone registration and login via JSON/Rails (Marcelo, Dave, Tim)
  • New UI look for login and registration (Marcelo, Tim)
  • Updated Icon (Tim)
  • New banner notification (Marcelo)
  • User settings view (steven)
  • User settings password and picture change (steven)

April 17 (2:30 - 5:30 PM)


  • Discussed the final stages of development, what was left to implement, and who would do it.
  • Decided on S3 storage structure.

April 15 (8:00 - 9:00 PM)

Dave and Tim

Fixed several methods of Friendships controller after bugs found when connecting with iPhone, notably the destroy method. iPhone to server communication testing can now continue.

April 14 (1:00 - 3:30, 5:30 - 8:00)

Dave and Tim

Began development of backend for MyM friends system. Used railscast on creating a friends system as reference. System can process friend requests and has error checking to prevent requests between those who are friends already or requests to users who do not exist. Need to add confirmation for friend requests as opposed to automatically becoming friends. MyM email now cleared for production-level sending (10K per day, 5 per second).

April 13 (2:00 - 3:00)

Dave and Tim

Developed email service for MyM through Amazon SES. SES fully integrated with backend in order to send emails seamlessly from MyM email ([email protected]).

April 11 (5:00 - 8:00)

Dave and Tim

Met with each other to begin development on the server in regards to user authentication on client-side. Settled on generation of access tokens and sending access token to iPhone so that iPhone can verify user during later HTTP requests to the server.

April 10 (2:30 - 7:00)


Met with Dr. DePasquale to discuss our progress and plans. Continued our meeting in the Mac lab, cleaning up yesterday's merge and preparing things for alpha testing. Ended meeting with a merge to master, marking our reaching version 0.1.0, a functional app, albeit minimally so.

April 9 (5:00 - 7:00)

Tim, Adam, Steve, Marcelo

Merged all feature branches into develop, working through merge conflicts and unifying the pbxproj. A terrifying ordeal.

April 8 (5:00 - 6:00)

Justin and Adam

Completed the map view by fixing the menu (navbox) bug. All functions of the navbox and AwesomeMenu work as intended now. Began implementation on custom annotation view for the moment pins.

April 8 (3:30-4:30)

Dave and Tim

Worked on finalizing the code for the login and register functionality server side. New session controller was added to handle multiple users to the server at once. Bcrypt encryption was implemented in order to protect passwords.

April 7 (4:00 - 6:30)

Dave & Steve

  • Met in the IMM ULab as part of coding implementation party
  • Dave (developed and added base rails application for users) - add Model, Controller, and several views (due to SSH key, commit is authored to Tim)
  • Steve: continued development of creating and editing moments
  • Justin and Adam: worked from home on additional features

April 6 (10:30 - 12:00)

Dave & Tim

  • Installed and configured SQL and ruby racer for rails development on EC2
  • Began development of sample iOS communicable server through rails (not committing to repository, just sample)
  • Began to design and hash out interface and functionality

April 4 (10:00 - 1:30)

Dave & Tim

  • Installed and configured rvm, ruby, aws-sdk, rails, and helios on EC2
  • Got ruby client/server interaction functional between local and EC2
  • Started investigating rails

April 3 (2:30 - 5:00)

All team members in attendance

  • Discussed finished registration and login pages - finished interfacing with S3 and DynamoDB
  • Justin and Adam worked on implementation of friends list
  • Opened up new branch for Tim and Dave to begin Server side development
  • Adam and Steve continued development of their own feature branches
  • Adam and Justin added AwesomeMenu to Map view

Adam Cumiskey

Helped Justin set up the FriendsListViewController and then me and him worked on adding the AwesomeMenu button to the map. This will allow us to have a cool way to add different types of blog posts from the map.

Marcelo Mazzotti

Worked on the Verification code. Once a new registers a new account, a verification code will be sent to his email among with a welcome email. The same code is requested during the user's first login. If the user inputs it right, his email is confirmed and the verification code is not needed anymore.

Justin Wagner

Worked with Adam on setting up the TableListViewController for the FriendsList. Also, we implemented the open-source AwesomeMenu library to create a unique menu for moment creation on the user's Map page. Created icons for the buttons and each specific moment.

Dave Hand

Worked with Marcelo to finalize verification code and AWS interaction with DynamoDB and SES. Verification code is now functioning correctly. Worked with Tim on launching server and laying out HTTP communications between iPhone and EC2 server. Discovered JSONKit for HTTP handling on iPhone client side.

Steven Zilberberg

Continued work on moment creation. Developed a testing apparatus to determine types of moments to create. Became familiarized with the with data structure changes that have implemented. Reduced previously done work into a generic class. View still has minor bugs which will be squashed and sound and video implementation is still needed as well as overall sharing functionality.

Tim Honeywell

Started fresh EC2 micro instance, running Amazon Linux. Installed and configured basic toolset: git, gcc, make, openssl, rvm, ruby, and the AWS SDK. (Guide can be found here.) Installed and investigated the possibilities of Helios as a backend framework.