Lib with methods to facilitate day-to-day development with C#.
- Brazil
Format Brazilian documents and others things:
- FormatPIS
- FormatCPF
- FormatCNPJ
- FormatPhoneNumber
- FormatCEP
- FormatNCM
- FormatFIPECode
Validate Brazilian documents and ohers things:
- IsValidCNPJ
- IsValidCPF
- IsValidPis
- IsValidVoterIDCard (Título de Eleitor)
- IsValidCep
- BrazilProcessNumber (class)
- Collections
Operations with collections:
- ConcatLists
- GetRandomElement
- BubbleSort
- MostFrequent
- DictionaryIsNullOrEmpty
- DictionaryIsNull
- DictionaryIsEmpty
- ListIsNullOrEmpty
- ListIsNull
- ListIsEmpty
- AddIfNotNull (ICollection, IDictionary)
- AddOrChangeValue
- AddOrChangeValueByIndex
- KeyValueIsNull
- AddRangeIfNotNullOrEmpty
- TryGetValue (IDictionary, Arrays, IList, KeyValuePair)
- ToNullList
- AddIfNotEmptyOrNull
- KeyValueIsNullOrEmpty
- ToDefaultListIfNull
- ToDistinctList
- Crypto
Encryption algorithms
- AesCrypto
- Base32
- Date
Operations with date objects:
- GetAllYearDates
- GetLastDayOfWeek
- GetFirstDayOfWeek
- LastDayOfMonth
- GetAge
- IsWeekend
- IsWeekday
- IsBetweenDates
- GetNextWeekday
- GetWeekdayCount
- ConvertToDatetime
- Enums
Operations with enums:
- GetEnumValuesAndNames
- GetEnumValues
- GetDisplayName
- GetEnumName
- GetEnumValue
- GetRandom
- With
- Clone
- ConvertTo
- External
Operatons with external tools:
- Companies (class)
- FIPE table (class)
- IP (class)
- NCM (class)
- National Brazil Holidays (class)
- Taxs (class)
- CEP (class)
- Country (class)
- GoogleTranslate (class)
- ISBN (class)
- Ticker (class)
- Temperature (class)
- Meal (class)
- Inflation (class)
- Geolocation (class)
- English Dictionary (class)
- Currency Converter (class)
- Correios Tracking (class)
- Correios Shipping (class)
- IBGE News (class)
- Inflation (class)
- FilesDirectories
Operations with files and/or directories:
- DeleteFile
- DeleteFolder
- IsJson
- CreateDirectoryIfNotExists
- CreateFileIfNotExists
- CreateLocalFileIfNotExists
- CreateLocalDirectoryIfNotExists
- FileTypeIdentify (class)
- GetDirectorySizeContent
- RenameFile
- ClearDirectoryContent
- CopyDirectoryContent
- CreateTextFileWithContent
- MergeFiles
Operations with http requests:
- HttpWrapper (class)
- IHttpWrapper (interface)
- Numerics
Operations with numbers:
- GetLongestSequence
- RandomNumbers
- IsInRange
- GetMissingNumbers
- IsNumeric
- GetAverage
- Factorial
- IsEven
- IsOdd
- IsPrime
- StandardDeviation
- Reflecions
Operations with reflection:
- GetDisplayName
- DefaultConstructor
- CreateInstance
- InvokeMethod
- SetPropertyValue
- GetPropertyValue
- GetStringPropertyValue
- SetFieldValue
- GetFieldValue
- GetStringFieldValue
- GetFullTypeName
- HasPropertyOrField
Operations with databases (Mysql, PostgreSql, SqlLite, SqlServer and Oracle):
- InsertWithId / InsertWithIdAsync
- Insert / InsertAsync
- Update / UpdateAsync
- Delete / DeleteAsync
- Exists / ExistsAsync
- SelectOne / SelectOneAsync
- Select / SelectAsync
- ExecuteNonQuery / ExecuteNonQueryAsync
- ExecuteScalar / ExecuteScalarAsync
- ExecuteReader / ExecuteReaderAsync
- Texts
Operations with strings:
- RemoveSpecialCharacters
- SplitStringWithoutNullOrEmpty
- GenerateRandomPassword
- IsSequentialRepetition
- RemoveAllWhitespace
- MultiReplace
- GetMostFrequentSeparator
- CountOcurrences
- RemoveDiacritics
- MatchFirstOcurrency
- MatchListOcurrencies
- RemoveDuplicateWords
- GetUniqueKey
- RemoveDocumentMask
- ToTitleCase
- ConvertToString
- SpecificSplit
- Count
- OnlyNumbers
- SafeSubstring
- ToByteArray
- ToByteArrayAscii
- ToAscii
- ToUTF8
- Web
Operations involving captures on the internet:
- HtmlString (class)
- CurrentPage and PageMetaData (Pagination classes)
- RandomUserAgent (class)
- Pagination
- ToFormPostData
- ToJsonPostData
- GetQueryStringValue
- GetAllQueryStringValues
- AddQueryString
- IsValidUrl
- GetHeader
- CombineUrl
- ClearHtml
- Global
Generic operations:
- IsValidEmail
- IsValidEAN
- IsValidIpAddress
- SystemResources
Monitoring system resources (memory, cpu and time):
- TaskMonitor (class)
- Tasks
Operations with tasks:
- FireAndForget
- Retry
- OnFailure
- WithTimeout
- Fallback
- TryAsync
Operations with xml:
- GetElementValue
- AddElement
- GetAttributeValue
- RemoveElement
- ToXmlElement
- ToObject
- SerializeObjectToXml
- DeserializeXmlToObject