Standalone version of Triton including compiler-friendly Remoras. Does not require a Matlab installation. Compiled in Matlab 2018b. Contains the following remoras: Airgun-Detector, FinWhaleIndex, LabelVis, Logger, Ship-Detector, SPICE-Detector, as of Jan 2021. NNet, and ClusterTool versions as of July 2021.
This executable DOES NOT include the required Matlab Runtime Environment due to file size limits.
If not prompted upon installation, please download and install the Windows version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2018b from the following link on the MathWorks website:
For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see
"Distribute Applications" in the MATLAB Compiler documentation
in the MathWorks Documentation Center.
For a compiled version including the runtime environment, click here.
For instructions, please visit the wiki.