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This is a python package and CLI utiliy for simulating the flow of arbitrary network packets through netfilter, with support for routing.
The package is currently not available on PyPI, but can be installed from github using pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/MikPisula/packet-simulator
usage: packet-simulator [-h] [-s SOURCE] -d DESTINATION [-t] [-u] [-dport DESTINATION_PORT] [-sport SOURCE_PORT] [-i]
[-p TYPE] [-c CODE] [-v] [-r RULESET] [-o ROUTES] [-f INTERFACES]
Packet simulator for testing routing and nf_tables firewall rules
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
source IP address
destination IP address
-t, --tcp use TCP packet
-u, --udp use UDP packet
-dport DESTINATION_PORT, --destination-port DESTINATION_PORT
destination port
-sport SOURCE_PORT, --source-port SOURCE_PORT
source port
-i, --icmp use ICMP packet
-p TYPE, --type TYPE ICMP type
-c CODE, --code CODE ICMP code
-v, --verbose
-r RULESET, --ruleset RULESET
Ruleset file (`ntf -j list ruleset` output)
-o ROUTES, --routes ROUTES
Routing table (`ip -j route show table all` output)
Interface table (`ip -j address show` output)
By default, the software will run nft
and ip
on the host system, which requires root priviliges. This can be avoided by supplying the ruleset, routes and interfaces in json format using -r/--ruleset
, and -f/--interfaces
Supplying the resources necessary for the simulator separately can also be particularly useful when diagnosing remote systems (without the need to install anything). Example:
admin@laptop$ cat >>remote.sh <<EOF
nft -j list ruleset > ruleset.json
ip -j a s > interfaces.json
ip -j r s t all > routes.json
admin@laptop$ scp remote.sh server:/tmp
admin@laptop$ ssh server
admin@server$ cd /tmp
admin@server$ sudo bash remote.sh
admin@server$ exit
admin@laptop$ scp server:/tmp/{interfaces,routes,ruleset}.json ./
admin@laptop$ packet-simulator -f interfaces.json -o routes.json -r ruleset.json -d
[router] Using route: via lo
[firewall] hook output
[firewall] enter chain OUTPUT
[firewall] jump to chain ufw-before-logging-output
[firewall] enter chain ufw-before-logging-output
[firewall] jump to chain ufw-before-output
[firewall] enter chain ufw-before-output
[firewall] match lo == lo -> True
[firewall] accept
[firewall] OUTPUT -> accept
[simulator] output_result -> accept
[firewall] hook postrouting
[simulator] postrouting_result -> None
The software is in very early stages, and has limited support of netfilter functionality, lacking even IPv6 support and NAT. Nonetheless, it can simulate incoming and outgoing packets, including all inet chains. It should work on default ufw
and firewalld
If you have any issues the software, have any kind of suggestion or want to contribute functionality, please open an issue on GitHub. Recreating the entirety of netfilter in userland has proven to be quite challenging, but I hope that I will be able to make this tool as complete as possible.
This project would not be possible without the following resources: