Nodes get created when a flow is deployed, they may send and receive some messages whilst the flow is running and they get deleted when the next flow is deployed.
They consist of a pair of files; a JavaScript file that defines what the node does, and an html file that defines the node’s properties, edit dialog and help text.
When packaged as an npm module, a package.json file is used to pull it all together.
Go to project root directory and run the following command.
sudo npm link
(if node is not install as root user the no need to use sudo before command.)
Go to home directory and move to ".node-red" installtion directory and run the again same command above i.e.
sudo npm link
(if node is not install as root user no need to use sudo before command.)
The above both 2 command will create a "symbolic link" between your node-red dashboard code and the actual node project which you were deveolping for node-red. Each time when you make any new changes in you node project code, you just need to restart you node-red server and will get the updated output in node-red dashboard.
To use the node globally in any of you live project you need to publish it on npm globally after that can easily install it inside the node-red via using the following command i.e.
npm install "node_name" --save
To publish code on npm globally you need to following the following link:-
There are lots of guides to publishing a package to the npm repository. A basic overview is available here
- Initial release
Copyright 2017 Roger Colburn.
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.