an esay-to-use widget based on jQuery
if the length of selection items is a bit long, items can be filtered by typing keywords. That will be convenient for user to select which he wants.
support IE8+ and other modern browsers, let's bury IE6 and IE7!!
- jquery 1.7+
- Mustache template engine
create a container for the widget :
<div id="filterinput"></div>
import related js files at the bottom of body
<script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/mustache.js"></script>
<script src="js/filterInput.js"></script>
invoke constructor function FilterInput
var instance = new FilterInput({
id: 'filterInput',
title: 'People of Dept 10th',
styleCls: 'dil',
width: 200,
clearbtn: true,
select: function(val) {
items: [{
label: 'Andrew',
value: '1111',
selected: true
}, {
label: 'Tomas',
value: '2222'
}, {
label: 'Jackson',
value: '3333'
}, {
label: 'Jaccika',
value: '4444'
}, {
label: 'Bruce',
value: '5555'
}, {
label: 'Lucy',
value: '6666'
}, {
label: 'Jimmy',
value: '7777'
id : container's id.
title : description for selection items.
styleCls : style class(es) will be added to container's class.
width : width of the widget.
clearbtn :
- true : clear button will be rendered for clear your selection.
- false : clear button will NOT be rendered.
select : a callback which will be invoked when select item.
items : selection items.
Look, it's very easy to use, and the source code isn't uglified, you can change it in any way you like!