Python API test using pytest & Pytest BDD
Test Automation framework is designed based on behavioral-driven development(BDD). BDD approach is implemented using the Pytest-BDD plugin. i.e pytest-bdd implements a subset of the Gherkin language to enable automating project requirements testing and to facilitate behavioral-driven development.
This is a 3 Layer Framework with :
- Step Definitions
- Request Classes
- Payload classes
How to use?
- Clone the repo
- Install Python 3.10 ( if a different version update it in pipfile)
- Install pipenv ( pip install pipenv )
- Once you’ve done that, you can effectively forget about pip since Pipenv essentially acts as a replacement. It also introduces two new files, the Pipfile (which is meant to replace requirements.txt) and the Pipfile.lock (which enables deterministic builds).
- Then Create a virtual environment for the project (pipenv shell)
- This will create a virtual environment if one doesn’t already exist. Pipenv creates all your virtual environments in a default location (eg in mac: /Users/{user_name}/.local/share/virtualenvs)
- pipenv sync is an optional command. If you still failed to point the virtual environment then you can install packages exactly as specified in Pipfile.lock using the sync command
- Generate the pipfile.lock (pipenv lock)
- Install the dependencies from pipenv lock (pipenv install)
Notes: Test Data Management: Test data can be passed as inline parameters in a feature file (eg: When user pass location as "London" ) This can be done without having quotes around the parameter from bdd==6.0.1 onwards Also Test data can be passed by using Examples & Scenario Outline. (eg: When user pass location as )
| Location |
| London |
| Manchester |