Open standard browser from prompt:
browse() { open $(eval ${1}) }
This allows for evaluation of aliases given as arguments to browse
Get the name of the currently checked out branch:
alias branch_current='git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'
Get the base commit for the current branch (the commit after which your branch divides from master):
alias branch_oldest_ancestor='/usr/bin/diff -u <(git rev-list --first-parent master) <(git rev-list --first-parent HEAD) | sed -ne "s/^ //p" | head -1'
Get all commits in your current branch:
alias branch_log='git log $(branch_oldest_ancestor)..HEAD'
Get all changes in your current branch:
alias branch_diff='git diff $(branch_oldest_ancestor)..HEAD'
Get all changed still existing files in your current branch:
alias branch_files='git diff $(branch_oldest_ancestor)..HEAD --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only --oneline'
Get an URL to your hosted repo:
alias bitbucket_repo_url='echo https://$(git remote -v | grep -oh "[:/][^ ]\+.git" | head -1 | sed "s/:/\//" | sed "s/\.git$//")'
Get an URL to a full diff for your branch (like branch_diff
but on the web):
alias bitbucket_review_url='echo $(bitbucket_repo_url)/branches/compare/$(branch_current)..$(branch_oldest_ancestor)'
Get the corresponding ticket URL for the current branch:
alias redmine_url='echo$(branch_current | grep -oh "^[0-9]\+")'
Check all changed files in your current branch with rubocop:
alias branch_rubocop='branch_files | grep "\.\(rb\|gemspec\)$" | xargs rubocop --force-exclusion'
Feel free to bind personal aliases in whatever style you prefer (examples for prezto):
alias bbb='browse bitbucket_repo_url'
alias bbbr='browse bitbucket_review_url'
alias bred='browse redmine_url'