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deriver for services
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maxtori committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 80f029d commit f8761c0
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Showing 7 changed files with 150 additions and 43 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ppx/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(modules ppx_common)
(preprocess (pps ppxlib.metaquot))
(libraries ppxlib))
(libraries ppx_deriving_encoding.lib))

(name ppx_client)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ppx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,5 @@

let () =
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api" ~impl:Ppx_common.impl
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api" ~impl:Ppx_common.impl;
Ppx_common.derivers ()
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ppx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,5 @@

let () =
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api_client" ~impl:(Ppx_common.impl ~kind:`client)
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api_client" ~impl:(Ppx_common.impl ~kind:`client);
Ppx_common.derivers ()
173 changes: 135 additions & 38 deletions src/ppx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,29 +45,19 @@ type options = {
service : expression option;

let empty ~loc = pexp_construct ~loc (llid ~loc "EzAPI.Empty") None
let raw e =
let loc = e.pexp_loc in
let e =
eapply ~loc (evar ~loc "List.filter_map") [ evar ~loc "EzAPI.Mime.parse"; e ] in
pexp_construct ~loc (llid ~loc "EzAPI.Raw") @@ Some e
let json e =
let loc = e.pexp_loc in
pexp_construct ~loc (llid ~loc "EzAPI.Json") @@ Some e

let options ?register ?name loc =
let register = match register with
| None -> pexp_construct ~loc (llid ~loc "true") None
| Some register -> register in
let name = match name with
| None -> [%expr None]
| Some name -> esome (estring ~loc name) in {
path = pexp_ident ~loc (llid ~loc "EzAPI.Path.root");
input = empty ~loc; output = empty ~loc; errors = [%expr None]; params = [%expr None];
section = [%expr None]; name; descr = [%expr None];
security = [%expr None]; register; input_example = [%expr None]; hide = [%expr None];
output_example = [%expr None]; error_type = ptyp_constr ~loc (llid ~loc "exn") [];
security_type = ptyp_constr ~loc (llid ~loc "EzAPI.no_security") [];
[%expr EzAPI.Raw (List.filter_map EzAPI.Mime.parse [%e e])]

let options loc = {
path = [%expr EzAPI.Path.root];
input = [%expr EzAPI.Empty];
output = [%expr EzAPI.Empty];
errors = [%expr None]; params = [%expr None];
section = [%expr None]; name=[%expr None]; descr = [%expr None];
security = [%expr None]; register=[%expr true]; input_example = [%expr None];
hide = [%expr None]; output_example = [%expr None]; error_type = [%type: exn];
security_type = [%type: EzAPI.no_security];
debug = false; directory = None; service = None

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,23 +90,22 @@ let string_literal = function
| Ppxlib.Pconst_string (s, _, _) -> Some s
| _ -> None

let get_options ~loc ?name ?(client=false) p =
let register = if not client then None else Some (pexp_construct ~loc (llid ~loc "false") None) in
let get_options ~loc ?(options=options loc) ?name p =
match p with
| PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval ({pexp_desc=Pexp_record (l, _); _}, _); _} ] ->
let l = List.filter_map (function ({txt=Lident s; loc}, e) -> Some (s, loc, e) | _ -> None) l in
List.fold_left (fun (name, acc) (s, loc, e) -> match s with
| "path" -> begin match e.pexp_desc with
| "path" | "p" -> begin match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_constant cst ->
begin match string_literal cst with
| Some s -> name, { acc with path = parse_path ~loc:e.pexp_loc s }
| _ -> Format.eprintf "path should be a string literal"; name, acc
| _ -> Format.eprintf "path should be a literal"; name, acc
| "input" -> name, { acc with input = json e }
| "input" -> name, { acc with input = [%expr EzAPI.Json [%e e]] }
| "raw_input" -> name, { acc with input = raw e }
| "output" -> name, { acc with output = json e }
| "output" -> name, { acc with output = [%expr EzAPI.Json [%e e]] }
| "raw_output" -> name, { acc with output = raw e }
| "params" -> name, { acc with params = esome e }
| "errors" -> name, { acc with errors = esome e; error_type = ptyp_any ~loc }
Expand All @@ -130,8 +119,9 @@ let get_options ~loc ?name ?(client=false) p =
| _ -> Format.eprintf "name should be a string literal"; name, acc
| _ ->
Format.eprintf "name should be a literal";
name, acc
match name with
| Some n -> Some n, { acc with name = [%expr Some [%e estring ~loc n]] }
| _ -> name, acc
| "descr" -> name, { acc with descr = esome e }
| "security" -> name, { acc with security = esome e; security_type = ptyp_any ~loc }
Expand All @@ -150,20 +140,21 @@ let get_options ~loc ?name ?(client=false) p =
| "service" ->
name, { acc with service = Some e; error_type = ptyp_any ~loc; security_type = ptyp_any ~loc }
| _ -> name, acc) (name, options ?register ?name loc) l
| _ -> name, acc) (name, options) l
| PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident _; _} as e, _); _} ] ->
let o = options ?register ?name loc in
name, { o with service = Some e; error_type = ptyp_any ~loc; security_type = ptyp_any ~loc }
name, { options with service = Some e; error_type = ptyp_any ~loc; security_type = ptyp_any ~loc }
| PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant Pconst_string (s, loc, _); _}, _); _} ] ->
name, { options with path = parse_path ~loc s }
| PStr s ->
Format.eprintf "attribute not understood %a@." Pprintast.structure s;
name, options ?register ?name loc
name, options
| _ ->
Format.eprintf "attribute not understood@.";
name, options ?register ?name loc
name, options

let service_value ?name ?client ~meth ~loc p =
let service_value ?name ?options ~meth ~loc p =
let meth = pexp_variant ~loc (String.uppercase_ascii meth) None in
let name, options = get_options ~loc ?name ?client p in
let name, options = get_options ?name ?options ~loc p in
match name with
| None -> Location.raise_errorf ~loc "service doesn't have a name"
| Some name ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,6 +335,8 @@ let server ~loc p =
[%expr (fun () -> [%e server_aux e])]
| _ -> Location.raise_errorf ~loc "server options not understood"

(** main mapper *)

let deprecate =
let t : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10 in
fun s ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,14 +435,52 @@ let transform ?kind () =
(* client service *)
| Pstr_attribute a when List.mem a.attr_name.txt methods ->
deprecate a.attr_name.txt;
let service, _, _ = service_value ~client:true ~meth:a.attr_name.txt ~loc:a.attr_loc a.attr_payload in
let loc = a.attr_loc in
let options = { (options loc) with register = [%expr false] } in
let service, _, _ = service_value ~options ~meth:a.attr_name.txt ~loc:a.attr_loc a.attr_payload in
service :: acc
| Pstr_extension (({txt; loc}, PStr [ { pstr_desc = Pstr_value (_, [ { pvb_expr; pvb_pat= {ppat_desc=Ppat_var {txt=name; _}; _}; _} ]); _} ]), _) when List.mem txt methods ->
let service, _, _ = service_value ~name ~client:true ~meth:txt ~loc @@ PStr [ pstr_eval ~loc pvb_expr [] ] in
let options = { (options loc) with register = [%expr false] } in
let service, _, _ = service_value ~name ~options ~meth:txt ~loc @@ PStr [ pstr_eval ~loc pvb_expr [] ] in
service :: acc
| Pstr_extension (({txt; loc}, p), _) when List.mem txt methods ->
let service, _, _ = service_value ~client:true ~meth:txt ~loc p in
let options = { (options loc) with register = [%expr false] } in
let service, _, _ = service_value ~options ~meth:txt ~loc p in
service :: acc
| Pstr_type (_rec_flag, [ t ]) ->
let loc = t.ptype_loc in
begin match List.find_opt (fun a -> List.mem a.attr_name.txt methods) t.ptype_attributes with
| None -> (super#structure_item it) :: acc
| Some a ->
let meth = a.attr_name.txt in
let enc =
let open Ppx_deriving_encoding_lib.Encoding in
let {enc; _} = expressions t in
enc in
let input, output = match meth with
| "get" | "put" -> [%expr Some EzAPI.Empty], [%expr EzAPI.Json [%e enc]]
| _ -> [%expr EzAPI.Json [%e enc]], [%expr Some EzAPI.Empty] in
let options = { (options loc) with register = [%expr false]; input; output } in
let name = t.ptype_name.txt ^ "_s" in
let service, _, _ = service_value ~name ~options ~meth ~loc a.attr_payload in
service :: it :: acc
| Pstr_type (_rec_flag, [ t_input; t_output ]) ->
let loc = t_input.ptype_loc in
begin match List.find_opt (fun a -> List.mem a.attr_name.txt methods) t_output.ptype_attributes with
| None -> (super#structure_item it) :: acc
| Some a ->
let meth = a.attr_name.txt in
let input, output =
let open Ppx_deriving_encoding_lib.Encoding in
let {enc=enc_input; _} = expressions t_input in
let {enc=enc_output; _} = expressions t_output in
[%expr EzAPI.Json [%e enc_input]], [%expr EzAPI.Json [%e enc_output]] in
let options = { (options loc) with register = [%expr false]; input; output } in
let name = t_input.ptype_name.txt ^ "_s" in
let service, _, _ = service_value ~name ~options ~meth ~loc a.attr_payload in
service :: it :: acc
| _ -> (self#structure_item it) :: acc
) [] str

Expand All @@ -460,3 +491,69 @@ let transform ?kind () =

let impl ?kind str = (transform ?kind ())#structure str

let deriver_str_gen meth ~loc ~path:_ (_rec_flag, l) path input output errors params section name
descr security register hide input_example output_example debug =
let options = options loc in
let sname = match l with t :: _ -> Some (t.ptype_name.txt ^ "_s") | [] -> None in
let input, output = match meth, l with
| _, [ t_input; t_output ] ->
[%expr EzAPI.Json ([%e evar ~loc (t_input.ptype_name.txt ^ "_enc")] ())],
[%expr EzAPI.Json ([%e evar ~loc (t_output.ptype_name.txt ^ "_enc")] ())]
| ("get" | "put"), t :: _ ->
Option.value ~default:options.input input,
[%expr EzAPI.Json [%e evar ~loc (t.ptype_name.txt ^ "_enc")]]
| _, t :: _ ->
[%expr EzAPI.Json [%e evar ~loc (t.ptype_name.txt ^ "_enc")]],
Option.value ~default:options.output output
| _ -> Option.value ~default:options.input input, Option.value ~default:options.output output in
let path = match path with
| Some { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant cst; pexp_loc=loc; _ } ->
begin match string_literal cst with
| Some s -> parse_path ~loc s
| _ -> Format.eprintf "path should be a string literal"; options.path
| _ -> options.path in
let security_type, security = match security with
| None -> options.security_type,
| Some e -> [%type: _], e in
let options = {
options with
path; input; output;
errors = Option.value ~default:options.errors errors;
params = Option.value ~default:options.params params;
section = Option.value ~default:options.section section;
name = Option.value name;
descr = Option.value ~default:options.descr descr;
security; security_type;
register = Option.value ~default:[%expr false] register;
hide = Option.value ~default:options.hide hide;
input_example = Option.value ~default:options.input_example input_example;
output_example = Option.value ~default:options.output_example output_example;
} in
let s, _, _ = service_value ~meth ~loc ~options ?name:sname (PStr []) in
[ s ]

let derivers () =
let open Ppxlib.Deriving in
List.iter (fun meth ->
let args_str = Args.(
+> arg "path" __
+> arg "input" __
+> arg "output" __
+> arg "errors" __
+> arg "params" __
+> arg "section" __
+> arg "name" __
+> arg "descr" __
+> arg "security" __
+> arg "register" __
+> arg "hide" __
+> arg "input_example" __
+> arg "output_example" __
+> flag "debug"
) in
let str_type_decl = Generator.make args_str (deriver_str_gen meth) in
ignore @@ add meth ~str_type_decl) methods
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ppx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,5 @@

let () =
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api_server" ~impl:(Ppx_common.impl ~kind:`server)
Ppxlib.Driver.register_transformation "ez_api_server" ~impl:(Ppx_common.impl ~kind:`server);
Ppx_common.derivers ()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/ppx/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(name test_ppx_lib)
(modules test_ppx_lib)
(preprocess (pps ez_api.ppx)))
(preprocess (pps ez_api.ppx ppx_deriving_encoding)))

(name test_ppx_server)
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/ppx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
type nonrec test_derive_input = {
foo: string;
bar: int;
and test_derive_output = int
[@@post {path="/test/getter"; debug}]

let%post echo_input = {
path="/echo_input"; raw_input=["text/plain"];
output=Json_encoding.(obj1 (req "test" string))
Expand Down

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