A docker image that provides a simple ssh tunnel, made for tunneling to databases on remote systems
Build using:
docker build -t ssh-tunnel .
To forward a remote port:
docker run ssh-tunnel -v [path to privatekey]:/var/ssh/privatekey -p [host port]:[forwarded port] -e REMOTE_HOST=[remote host] -e REMOTE_PORT=[remote port] REMOTE_USER=[remote_user]
docker run --rm ssh-tunnel -v ~/.ssh/privatekey:/var/ssh/privatekey -p 3306:3306 -e REMOTE_HOST=***.***.***.*** -e REMOTE_PORT=22 -e REMOTE_USER=user
Env name | Description | Default Value |
KEYFILE_LOCATION | Location in container where the private key is located | /var/ssh/privatekey |
REMOTE_PASS | The password to be used (optional) | |
ALIVE_INTERVAL | See ssh ServerAliveInterval | 60 |
REMOTE_HOST | The hostname or IP of the remote | |
REMOTE_PORT | The port on remote to connect to ssh | 22 |
REMOTE_USER | Remote ssh user | |
REMOTE_TARGET_PORT | The target port on the remote to tunnel to | 3306 |
LOCAL_PORT | The local port the remote port should be tunneled to | 3306 |