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svelte-gloss(ary) is a lightweight, context-aware tool to view and share components in isolation. If you've ever tried to spin up a UI story tool like Storybook, you might have found it to be clunky and overkill for your needs. This is where Gloss shines...

Checkout the changelog to see what's new.

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# npm
npm i svelte-gloss@latest

yarn add svelte-gloss@latest

pnpm add svelte-gloss@latest


Create the route for your UI view. We recommend a pathname that won't conflict with your application, like /__ui__.

1. Create a +layout.svelte file


Recommended route: /__ui__/+layout.svelte

	import { GlossLayout } from 'svelte-gloss';

	let { children } = $props();

<GlossLayout> {@render children()} </GlossLayout>

2. Create a root-view +page.svelte file


Recommended route: /__ui__/+page.svelte

	import { GlossPageRoot } from 'svelte-gloss';

<GlossPageRoot />

3. Create a detail-view +page.svelte file

You'll need to use route parameters to make use of a detail view. By default, svelte-gloss assumes you're using id but you can change this in the config (see below).

Though your route can be a single param like /__ui__/[id]/+page.svelte, we recommend spreading your routes to support a wider range of component id values.


Recommended route: /__ui__/[]/+page.svelte

	import { GlossPageRoot } from 'svelte-gloss';

<GlossPageRoot />

4. Initialize svelte-gloss with a config

You can create your config in a separate file, or in the +layout.svelte file you just created. In either case, the config object will need to be passed to the <GlossLayout> component.

/* /__ui__/gloss.ts */
import type { GlossModuleData } from 'svelte-gloss';
import { SvelteGloss } from 'svelte-gloss';

export const gloss = new SvelteGloss({
	// prefix: '/__ui__',
	// parameter: 'id',

// import all files from '$lib/**/*.stories.svelte */
const stories = import.meta.glob<boolean, string, GlossModuleData>('$lib/**/*.stories.svelte');

Object.entries(stories).forEach(async ([pathname, story]) => {
	try {
		const component = await story();
	} catch (error) {
		// Note: Stories must conform to a specific output.
		// Invalid stories will throw an error.
		console.error(`🚧 Error registering: ${pathname}`, error);

Pass your config to the GlossLayout component.

<script lang="ts">
	import { GlossLayout } from 'svelte-gloss';
	import { gloss } from './gloss';

	let { children } = $props();

<GlossLayout config="{gloss.config}"> {@render children()} </GlossLayout>

5. Create a "story"

When creating the config, we shared how you can register all components that match a file pattern like $lib/**/*.stories.svelte. So in this example we'll create a story for our button component at $lib/components/button.stories.svelte


Your config must be exported. Remember that we can only export from a module script within a svelte component.

<script lang="ts" module>
	import { GlossWrapComponent, defineGlossComponent } from 'svelte-gloss';

	export const config = defineGlossComponent({
		// This will be passed to the router and used to load this component based on the url.
		id: 'button',

		// A human-readable name for this component
		name: 'Button',

		// A list of groups this component belongs to. It should be included in at least one group.
		groups: ['ShadCN', 'Form'],

<script lang="ts">
	import MailIcon from 'lucide-svelte/icons/mail';
	import { Button, type ButtonVariant } from './index.js';

		You can display your component variations however you like.
		Here we are looping over an array of properties.
		You can also define them manually.

	type Props = {
		variant: ButtonVariant;
		content: string;
		disabled: boolean;

	const variations: Props[] = [
		{ variant: 'default', content: 'Default Button', disabled: false },
		{ variant: 'default', content: 'Disabled Button', disabled: true },
		{ variant: 'highlight', content: 'Highlight Button', disabled: false },

{#each variations as variation}
<!-- GlossWrapComponent should wrap each of your component variations. -->
	<button variant="{variation.variant}" disabled="{variation.disabled}" onclick="{()" ="">
		alert('clicked')} >
		<MailIcon class="mr-2 size-4" />

<!-- You can also manually define variations. -->
	<button onclick="{()" ="">
		alert('clicked')} size="icon">
		<MailIcon class="mr-2 size-4" />
		<span class="sr-only">Email</span>

6. Setup light/dark mode (Optional)

You can pass the current ui state, and a function to set the ui state directly to the GlossLayout component.

<script lang="ts">
	import { mode, setMode } from 'mode-watcher';
	import { GlossLayout } from 'svelte-gloss';
	import { gloss } from './gloss';

	let { children } = $props();

	mode={$mode === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light'}
	setMode={(m) => setMode(m)}
	{@render children()}


When you start your dev server, you can visit the route you created. If you followed my recommendations, it will look something like localhost:5173/__ui__


Contributions are welcome. To avoid rejected pull requests, I recommend you start by opening an issue to discuss your idea.


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  4. Commit your changes
  5. Create a pull request back to OllieJT/svelte-gloss