This repository is organised following DDD conventions. This means that the core code of the library (domain) is isolated from the code that allows this library to make use of external resources or library (spi) and from translation code that makes information available from this library to other software (api).
contains most of the library code (EZSP/ASH encoding/decoding and protocol sequence implementation)src/spi
contains the adapters for platform-specific implementations of timers and serial port accesssrc/spi/serial
contains the concrete implementations of an adapter to read/write on the serial port for Linux and Windows (using libserialcpp)src/spi/cppthreads
contains the concrete implementation of timers using C++11 threadssrc/spi/mock-uart
contains a framework to emulate a serial port for unit testingsrc/spi/raritan
contains the concrete implementations of adapters for the Raritan framework (using selectors and an event-driven main loop)src/spi/console
contains the concrete implementations of a console loggersrc/example
contains the code for a sample demo program to read and report sensor values from a zigbee networksrc/tests
contains code for automatic unit testing
SPI connectors implement a concrete implementation that complies to a specified interface declared in interface headers (.h header files which filename starts with a capital I). This allows dependency inversion paradigm, where the connector depends on the library, rather than the library depends on the underlying connectors. Connectors then become interchangeable, and we use this method a lot to abstract the library from the services it uses (a version of these services are using the Raritan framework, another version is independent from the Raritan framework and can run outside of it).
spi/ITimer.h and spi/ITimerFactory.h
Abstract interface to which must conforms implementations of classes that handle timed callbacks and factory classes that generate the associated ITimer objects
Concrete implementation in the raritan framework:
- spi/raritan/RaritanTimer.{h,cpp}
- spi/raritan/RaritanTimerFactory.{h,cpp}
Concrete implementation using C++ threads:
- spi/cppthreads/CppThreadsTimerFactory.{h,cpp}
- spi/cppthreads/CppThreadsTimer.{h,cpp}
Abstract interface to which must conforms implementations of classes that log debug/warning/error messages
Concrete implementation in the raritan framework:
- spi/raritan/RaritanLogger.{h,cpp}
Concrete implementation that outputs messages on the system console:
- spi/console/ConsoleLogger.{h,cpp}
Abstract interface to which must conforms implementations of classes that get asynchronous notifications on incoming data This is an exception, it is not a DIP implementation, the concrete implementation lies inside the applicative code (inside the library)
Abstract interface to which must conforms concrete implementations of classes that manipulate UARTs
Concrete implementation in the raritan framework:
- spi/raritan/RaritanUartDriver.{h,cpp}
Concrete implementation using libserial:
- spi/serial/SerialUartDriver.{h,cpp}
Concrete implementation of a robotized emulated serial port for unit testing:
- spi/mock-uart/MockUartDriver.{h,cpp}
In order to generate the source code documentation out of the doxygen tags contained inside the code, run the following command:
cd /path/to/libezsp
The resulting doc will be available via a browser by opening `~/libezsp/doc/html/index.html
Unit tests are located under src/tests
, and are grouped by families in common .cpp files.
Unit tests can be run inside the cpputest framework (requires installing cpputest) or as a standalone executable (using the lightweight unit test utilities locateds in src/tests/TestHarness.h
When run as standalone, an executable named test_runner
will be compiled and will contain all the code to run for automated unit testing.
In order to both compile and run unit tests, run the following command:
cd src/tests
make check
If all tests pass, the above command will succeed with exit code 0.