C++ library to send/receive wireless traffic to/from a UART transceiver using the EZSP protocol from Silicon Labs.
The code for a sample demo program is located in src/example/mainEzspTest.cpp
and src/example/CAppDemo.cpp
, this code is designed to work seamlessly on Linux within or outside of the Raritan framework.
If you compile in the Raritan environment, you will just have to clone this code into a subfolder or the source code root, move into this folder, and issue the following command:
The newly generated binary will be located in ../install_root/bin/mainEzspTest
(so, on the qemu installation, it will directly be accessible in the path to be run from a terminal on the target):
In order to compile for Linux, you will first need a working installation of libserialcpp.
Let's assume the source code for libserialcpp is checked out in directory ~/serial
(this will be the assumption in all lines below).
In order to compile libserialcpp, type the following commands:
cd ~/serial
make -f Makefile.linux-nocmake all
This should result in a binary shared library built as file ~/serial/libserialcpp.so
Now, we have to compile libezsp pointing it to the libserialcpp library we have just generated (in the example below, we assume the sources for libezsp are located in directory ~/libezsp
Issue the following commands in order to compile libezsp:
cd ~/libezsp/src/example
LOCAL_LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/serial LOCAL_INC=-I$HOME/serial/include make
This will tell the compiler that libserialcpp.so can be found in $HOME/serial
and headers are in $HOME/serial/include
(this should be the default after the libserialcpp compilation steps above).
In order to run the sample code under Linux, issue the following command in a terminal:
cd ~/libezsp/src/example
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/serial ./mainEzspTest
Note that the UART device for communication with the transceiver (eg: /dev/ttyUSB0
) is hardcoded inside the code (file src/example/mainEzspTest.cpp
We then library is run, it will first try to communicate with the dongle over the serial link provided above.
Once this is done, and when launched for the first time, the library will instruct the dongle to first create a Zigbee network. Each time the sample binary process is subsequently run, it will open its network for any device to join for a limited period of time. You can thus enter a sensor in the network at this moment by pressing the button on the sensor device.
Once the network is created, the sample application provided will then automatically discover sensors and bind to temperature and humidity, then it will configure reporting to be sent to the dongle by the sensor (each time this configuration will be redone).
Finally, when the sensor sends periodically updated values of temperature/humidty, the dongle will receive these, the library will handle this incoming traffic and values will displayed in real time on the output stream of the sample process.
In order to force the sensor to send a report, you can also press 4 times on the button.
The developper-specific information can be found in src/README.md