Crypto jukebox is a web application for ordering songs using cryptocurrencies (Stellar XLM). This application was made for education purposes. First of all to learn about simplicity of crypto payments and secondly to get familiar with Stellar SDK.
Create .env files by copying .env.example inside backend
, frontend
and stellar-operations
You will need two Stellar wallets. One for the application so it can play songs when there is a succesfull payment and one to send XLM to that wallet.
- Create two Stellar wallets. Select testnet, generate keypair and fund the account (just paste generated public key).
Paste public key of the first wallet inside:
.env - RECEIVER_PUBLIC_KEYfrontend
.env - STELLAR_RECEIVER_ADDRESSstellar-operations
Paste public and private key of the second wallet inside stellar-operations
Use Docker to start the application.
docker compose up
Visit localhost:3000 and select a song to start the payment process. In order to pay for the song we are going to use second wallet we've created. Copy transaction MEMO code inside stellar-operations/src/sendTransaction.js, line 44. Now get inside stellar container and run the file
docker exec -it crypto_jukebox-stellar-service-1 /bin/bash
node sendTransaction.js
The payment should be completed in a few seconds and the song will start playing.
Pull requests are welcome.