Android application created to make the life of data scientist a bit easier. You can download and modify GazzaLadra as you please and then use it to create your very own dataset. GazzaLadra's only goal is to obitain information on the usage of android smartphones.
This project is the results of my internship at BipLab in the summer of 2018
With our application is easy to obitain:
- every touch events:
- single finger touch events (Single touch, move, scroll, finch..)
- multiple fingers touch events (Multi touch, pinch, zoom..)
- every sensor-based events:
- magnetometer
- gyroscope
- accelerometer
- every key press through the input fields
- video recording of the user through the frontal facing camera
- Install the APK
- Use the app on your device
- Collect the
files under the folder**external storage**/GazzaLadra/
- Refactor the code to make it clearer to look at and easier to modify
- Refactor the code to make better use of android's design patterns
- Translate all the keyword used into english