This repository contains one single python project to perform laboratory experiments of DBMS subject on your own database, you can add your own experiments by simply giving normal SQL queries as input and it'll perform it and print the results for you
Ensure that python is properly installed in your system if not you can search online how to do that...
I'm writing steps for Debian based Linux distro(s) here
first ensure your system is upto date run:-
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
deal with user permissions urself (use sudo if required)
Now let's proceed for installing required packages run:-
apt-get install python3-pip git
Clone into the project run:-
git clone
load project directory run:-
cd DBMS_labwork
install required python packages run:-
pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
create a .env
file that contains all the environment variables which will be used for connection purposes
touch .env
now open texteditor of your choice and fill all the environment vars
i personally use nano
nano .env
fill all the required environment vars which you'll find in sample.env
now you're ready to go you can execute python files located in the project directory as per your convenience
we currently support 3 types of SQL databases for the operation:-
- SQLite (python)
- postgreSQL
if you dont have any SQL database hosted somewhere and if you want to work locally
just in case if you have any MySQL or PostgreSQL database available hosted somewhere then fill it's database uri in .env file as shown in sample.env and then execute
run:- to work locally
run:- to work on db hosted somewhere
you can manipulate vars in as per your convenience and vars required to connect ur db as per the host you are using ( dont forget to modify code accordingly )