A TinyMCE version 4.1 third party plugin which extends the source code view to include html indenting. Uses jsbeautifier http://jsbeautifier.org/
- Copy the plugin directory into for example your TinyMCE folder.
- add to web page script link to beautify-html.js, for example
<script src="/<path to>/TinyMCE-js-beautify/js/beautify-html.js"></script>
- add external plugin to tinymce.init code block, for example
external_plugins: {
"codebeautify": "/<path to>/TinyMCE-js-beautify/TinyMCEplugin/plugin.js"
- optionaly add to tool bar, for example
toolbar: "codebeautify"
To test the installation open the TestTinyMCE.html found in the TinyMCE-js-beautify folder. Note you might need to update the Javascript paths at the being of this html file. Default installation location is /TinyMCE/TinyMCE-js-beautify
If beautify-html.js is not present this plugin will revert back to the standard html source code view used by version 4.1 of TinyMCE