ORE Framework output of the classification of 1087 ontologies processed by 6 reasoners
We reused the ORE'2014 to conduct a new DL and EL classification challenges. 1087 ontologies were selected from the ORE Corpus. They were processed by 6 well known reasoners. The details of the evaluation environement as well as reasoners and ontologies are given in the following:
_Date: March 2015
_Reasonning Task: Classification
_Reasoners: (available for download at https://zenodo.org/record/11145/)
Konclude, Hermit, MoRe, JFACT, Fact++, TrOWL
_Ontologies: (available for download at http://zenodo.org/record/10791/)
TrainSet (550 ontos, (250 DL ontology), (300 EL ontology)), TestSet (537 ontos, (237 DL ontology), (300 EL ontology))
_Timeout: 180000 ms
_Memory limit: 12GB
_Hardware Description: • Intel Core I7-4470 CPU@3,4GHz x 8 • Java version 1.7.0_18 • 32GB RAM, 12GB RAM are given for each the reasoner
_ The file FullDataset_classification_summary_march2015.xls describs the classification runtime and robustness label for each reasoner and each ontology. The file contains also the feature vectors computed for every ontology in the train and test sets.